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July 5th, 2023

The Yin and the Yang of Cabotegravir-Rilpivirine: Part Two, the Limitations

Tip of Needle and Stinger of a Bee, from Martin Frobenius Ledermüller’s Microscopic Delights (1759–63).

In the last post, I cited examples of patients who are doing much better now because they are on long-acting cabotegravir-rilpivirine (CAB-RPV). One of these patients said he preferred it because it’s “simpler,” by which he meant he no longer had to go to the pharmacy to refill his medications each month.

I’ll grant for him it’s simpler, but for the rest of us? Because when I teach ID fellows about antiretroviral therapy, I have a slide that is entitled “Limitations of CAB-RPV.” It includes nine bullet points, meaning not only am I breaking the rules of good slide-making, but more importantly, it’s proof that CAB-RPV is anything but simpler.

Here are the bullet points, with further discussion — because if you’re an ID/HIV doctor and don’t yet offer this treatment to your patients, it’s important that before you do so, you go in with your eyes open:

Complex logistics to implement and monitor. Based on an optimistic interpretation of the voluminous direct-to-patient advertisements for the regimen, some might think that doctors can just write a prescription for CAB-RPV and voila, a patient can go to the pharmacy, pick it up, and get started.

Think again.

At our site, we have a dedicated, energetic, and wonderful nurse practitioner who took making this treatment option available to our patients an important priority. Without her leadership, it’s no exaggeration that we never could have done it (thank you, Cathy!). Chatting with colleagues around the country, I’ve heard that all these clinics that offer CAB-RPV have someone who took this on as their primary responsibility. It could be a nurse as in our case, or a doctor, or an ID pharmacist, or a case manager. I guarantee that all these fine people have in common great administrative skills, executive function, and perseverance.

In short, if you don’t have a “champion” going through the logistics of how you’re going to get the medications to your clinic and administer them, you won’t get very far. If you want to supplement this post with a comprehensive video covering the myriad issues you need to consider before getting started, I highly recommend this outstanding summary by the Mountain West AIDS Education and Training Center, with Ji Lee, PharmD.

It’s over 20 minutes long. “Simpler” indeed.

Risk of treatment failure with resistance, even with adherence to the regimen. True, the risk is small (around 1%) — but we have become accustomed to guaranteed treatment success with dolutegravir- and bictegravir-based regimens, with essentially zero risk of resistance with good adherence. Not only can CAB-RPV treatment fail, but the consequences (integrase inhibitor and NNRTI resistance) means that boosted-PI regimens become the default option, with all their disadvantages.

An important paper recently appeared in Clinical Infectious Diseases highlighting risk factors for resistance derived from the clinical trials:

While some of these risk factors can be assessed or intuited ahead of time — for example, I won’t use this treatment in people with any NNRTI resistance, not just RPV resistance — and anecdotally treatment failure can rarely occur even in the absence of risk factors.

Cost. Cabotegravir-rilpivirine costs more than oral ART, which has become increasingly expensive, even when accounting for inflation. This has consequences for insurance coverage, and, as any HIV clinician can tell you, our treatments are now aggressively managed by many payers. With CAB-RPV, there is often a complex and lengthy benefits check and pre-approval process before the treatment can start.

And this cost issue only refers to the medications. It doesn’t account for the nursing, pharmacist, case manager, or physician time to get the approvals, to prepare the medications, to administer them, and to chase down people who miss appointments.

All that takes time — time that could be spend doing other things. As economists will remind us this is a cost too, especially in a time of widespread healthcare provider shortages. I am aware of at least one HIV clinic that has had to limit their new patient enrollments for CAB-RPV due to this shortage.

Injections must be delivered by a healthcare provider. CAB-RPV administration is not like a simple insulin injection or flu shot — watch an instructional video, you’ll see what I mean. (Go to Video Library, “How to administer injectable medicine”).

In addition, most practices carry a very limited supply of medications available for in-office injections. One of my patients, a Boston “snowbird” spending the winter in a warmer southern state, contacted me saying he wouldn’t be back in time for his injections, but he was confident he could get it from a primary care clinician he sees sometimes when he’s down there. I told him that unless this doctor had a large practice of people with HIV (they didn’t), there was zero chance this would be possible — which turned out to be the case. He went back on oral ART until April, when he returned to Boston.

Fortunately, the company that makes CAB-RPV posts a locator for alternative sites for receiving the injections, which is a great idea both for when patients travel and for clinics that don’t have the resources to offer this treatment themselves. It’s not clear how often people are using these sites, however, and availability is limited. For example, the only one I see in the Boston-area requires a trip to Providence, around 50 miles away.

Frequency of visits. Most people receive their CAB-RPV at their doctor’s office, coming in six times a year for the two injections. Before that, while on stable ART, visits typically occurred every 6 months, or even annually.

Allow me to do the calculation:  that’s four or five extra trips into the clinic each year. Not easy for many people, and an additional cost (parking, transit, time out of work, away from family).

Injection site reactions. Like anything that involves a needle piercing the body, these shots hurt some people more than others. In the clinical trials, most reported them as mild or moderate in severity, but a small number did find them severe enough to stop treatment. This is consistent with our experience in clinical practice.

Pain relievers, ice- or warm-packs, stretching all can help. And patient education ahead of time is critical!

Limited data for patients with resistance, history of treatment failure, or viremia. So far, the exciting data on using CAB-RPV in people who are viremic and can’t take oral ART has not been replicated elsewhere in a prospective study — just anecdotes here and there, as in the 4th case I cited in the previous post. As a result, use of CAB-RPV is explicitly not recommended in treatment guidelines for virologic failure — even though such a practice would arguably be even more transformative than CAB-RPV’s current indication.

Also applicable for everyday patient care would be a large cohort of people with a prior history of treatment failure, but no documented integrase inhibitor or NNRTI resistance. When will we see those data?

Not recommended during pregnancy and breast feeding. As with every novel HIV treatment, this important patient population not been prospectively studied, at least not yet. But given the increased volume of distribution seen during pregnancy, and the low resistance barrier of rilpivirine, I would strongly discourage its use.

Does not treat or prevent hepatitis B. One of the great benefits of tenofovir is that it’s also our best current treatment of hepatitis B. Switching to CAB-RPV removes this advantage, and indeed one of the participants in the licensing trials contracted hepatitis B during the study.

Lesson for us — make sure to check hepatitis B status prior to starting CAB-RPV, and update vaccination as needed.

These limitations to CAB-RPV are understandable. After all, this is the very first long-acting ART option, and the fact that we have it at all is remarkable. Furthermore, we can expect progress in this area as other compounds become available, preferably some that can be administered even less often, or at home.

But for now, all of us doing HIV care must dial up our counseling skills when patients ask whether they should switch to long-acting injectable ART — and they will ask, since the advertising bombards them regularly. As noted previously, this treatment option gives us a great chance to engage in shared decision making, to elicit patient preferences and to deliver information at the appropriate level of medical literacy.

They should hear about the benefits, and the risks, and the practicalities. Give them plenty of time to ask questions and join them in the decision process of whether it’s a good idea to switch.

Then you should both watch this video, because even with these limitations outlined here, it’s truly a miracle how far we’ve come with HIV treatment. And about that we can be very grateful!

(Thanks to Dr. Darcy Wooten and Cathy Franklin, NP for reviewing this post, and Mass General Brigham for producing the video.)

June 30th, 2023

The Yin and the Yang of Cabotegravir-Rilpivirine: Part One, the Good News

British advertisement, 1950.

Long-acting cabotegravir-rilpivirine (CAB-RPV) is the biggest advance in HIV therapeutics in years. It’s also creating quite the challenge for ID and HIV clinicians, which makes its availability a fascinating example of the importance of education, patient communication, and shared decision-making.

This post will be the good news about this groundbreaking treatment; in the next post, I’ll give the other side of the story.

For those of you who don’t do HIV treatment on a regular basis, here’s a brief summary of its development and intended use. In two prospective clinical trials (ATLAS and FLAIR), people with virologic suppression and no history of treatment failure or HIV resistance were randomized to receive their current daily oral ART or switch to once-monthly injections of cabotegravir (an integrase inhibitor) and rilpivirine (a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor already available in pill form).

The results showed that CAB-RPV was noninferior to oral ART. Later, a study (ATLAS-2M) demonstrated that these two injections could be given every 2 months. After a delay of several months due to manufacturing issues, it was FDA-approved in January 2021 as a switch strategy for “virologically suppressed adults.”

Seems simple, right? A straightforward option to offer people with HIV who no longer want to take their daily pill or pills. Progress!

Indeed, in the clinic for some patients, offering them this option has been wonderful. For reasons often having to do with convenience, privacy, stigma, or pill fatigue, they find the injections a tremendous improvement in their quality of life.

Some examples, drawn from our clinic (certain details changed for confidentiality):

  • A person who works nearby and takes no other medications, she loves just dropping by every 2 months to get her shots — she forgets entirely between visits that she has any medical problems at all.
  • Someone who lives with his family hated that his HIV medications had to be hidden since he wasn’t ready to disclose HIV to them; now he doesn’t worry about that at all.
  • Another describes CAB-RPV as “simpler” — which is his code for “I no longer have to go to the pharmacy each month and ask for a refill of these meds I’m embarrassed I need to take.”
  • A man who never could take oral ART consistently — with a declining CD4 cell count and multiple symptoms suggestive of advancing HIV disease — now is virologically suppressed and healthier than ever on monthly injections of CAB-RPV.

I have no doubt that the first three patients above would be fine on oral ART had CAB-RPV never been approved. But they are so much happier now.

And the fourth? It could have saved his life, or prevented HIV transmission to his partner, even though use of CAB-RPV is explicitly discouraged in HIV treatment guidelines for patients just like him. Trust me, like most HIV treaters out there, we would only use CAB-RPV for people with viremia when all other efforts to get someone on lifesaving treatment had failed.

As these examples demonstrate, this is what a big advance in ART looks like, and we’re all better for it!

Time to celebrate with a spectacular classic clip that I happened upon while you-tubing deep into the evening. Warning — don’t try this at home!

(Apparently they filmed this in one take. Amazing.)

Next post — the limitations of CAB-RPV. Sneak preview:  there’s a lot to consider before offering this to your patients.

June 15th, 2023

Clinical Teaching at the 99.9th Percentile: Dr. Martin (Marty) Samuels

One of the true joys of practicing at academic medical centers is working alongside great clinical teachers.

No one exemplified this talented group better than Dr. Martin (Marty) Samuels, former chief of neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (where I work), and professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School. He was quite simply the best clinical teacher I’ve ever encountered.

Marty died last week, and our world is sadly now a less interesting and less fun place. What made him so special? Here are a few thoughts:

He had endless enthusiasm for clinical neurology. You could just see his eyes light up when a resident presented him a case.  The combination of clinical problem solving together with a group of trainees eager to learn visibly energized him.

And the enthusiasm didn’t end with neurology. He embraced all of medicine, including its history, which he loved to connect to neurology — cardiology, nephrology, hepatology, ID. Watch him discuss a case of an older man with mental status changes during a “virtual” Neurology Morning Report, done on Zoom during the pandemic. He deftly describes his clinical reasoning, interweaving Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, pathophysiology, and his experience working with the great British hepatologist Dame Sheila Sherlock.

Note also the natty cartoon Dalmatians bow tie, both very New England-academic and very mischievous at the same time. So Marty.

His lecture topics often had simple titles: Dizziness. Headache. Dementia. Weakness. But they were hardly simple. No one who has heard his talk on dizziness forgets the first thing to do when a patient says they are dizzy. Namely, you pause, and repeat back — Dizzy? — and let them explain what they really mean!

He always knew his audience. One of the most difficult skills for clinician-teachers is explaining complex topics to people outside their field. (For you ID/HIV docs out there, just try to summarize the available antiretroviral agents. Ouch.) Experts routinely forget how to communicate with non-specialists — they are so immersed in their work that they assume everyone understands their arcane language.

Not Marty. He intuitively pitched his talks at the perfect level for the learners. You came away knowing that he was a true expert, but you were never baffled (or bored) by minutiae or jargon.

I have given a talk to the medical residents on, well, how to give a good talk. (I hope it’s a good talk!) Here’s one of the slides, with the Key Message repeated 4 times for emphasis — it’s that important:

Marty embraced this principle better than anyone.

He never let technology take center stage. Marty’s slides were often bare bones, just a few lines of text. His lectures were about what he was saying, not what he was showing. I heard him speak on dementia at a large medical education conference when the slide system failed; there were hundreds of clinicians in the cavernous conference hall. No matter — he held them spellbound with just his extemporaneous comments, presenting a few clinical cases and how he’d approach them. Everyone left with a clinical pearl they could apply to their practice.

If anything, Marty’s talks were better without slides. Anyone eager for a refresher on how to do the neurologic examination can find a 7-part (!) series on youtube, just him and a sample patient — no slides. Here’s a brief clip.

He wasn’t shy about expressing his opinion. Marty was the longtime editor of NEJM Journal Watch Neurology, so we attended several editors’ meetings together. One memorable time, the assembled (myself included) were trading ideas about how to keep up with the ever-growing volume of research, citing newer (at that time) techniques such as listservs, signing up for electronic tables of contents (“eTOCs”), and message boards.

Marty didn’t participate in the discussion — until finally, he said, “Isn’t it more important that we get it right, rather than get it fast? Because I confess this entire conversation fills me with a profound sense of ennui.” That ended the discussion!

He deeply distrusted “systems” that attempted to interfere with clinical care in the name of efficiency for efficiency’s sake or, even worse, just to save money. He found it particularly ironic that many of the very people espousing such systems would, when confronted with an illness in themselves or their family, immediately try to circumvent the system they had created.

He wasn’t shy about giving a name to this practice, either — specifically, hypocrisy. I encourage you to read the linked post, it’s a classic.

He wasn’t afraid to share the fact that he made mistakes. We all make mistakes — we’re human, after all — and Marty believed that these mistakes make us better clinicians when we think through why we made them, and what we can learn. One of his very best talks even had the title, “What My Mistakes Taught Me”, and he commissioned a bunch of us to come up with similar talks. What a challenging exercise!

He likened these mistakes to the genetic errors that get weeded out through evolution. We don’t try to make a mistake — but they happen. We acknowledge it. Analyze why it happened. We then learn from the error, with the goal of not making that mistake again.

Evolution at work.

He was funny. So very funny. A colleague recently told me that Marty did stand-up comedy after graduating from college, and I’m not surprised — his timing was perfect. I remember he gave medical grand rounds several years ago, and began it with a particularly good joke, but one that would easily qualify as “blue” humor. Let’s just say that my editors here at NEJM Journal Watch would never let me repeat it in this post.

After he got a big laugh (and he always got a big laugh), he looked at us and said, “That joke has nothing to do with my lecture. I just wanted to see if I could get away with saying it in front of the Dean of Harvard Medical School, who I knew would be attending today.”

Even bigger laugh.

Wrapping up, I can do no better at showing what a captivating speaker he was than to share this talk he gave just over a decade ago at an ethics forum run by the Massachusetts Medical Society — our publisher. It’s an excellent use of 25 minutes of your time, but if you’re busy, start at 16’43” when he presents a case he saw for discussion.

Rest in peace, Marty. We’re really going to miss you.

June 8th, 2023

Fifteen Years Later, Why I’m Still Writing This

Seems like just yesterday that my wonderful editors at NEJM Journal Watch helped me write a piece marking this site’s 10-year anniversary.

But no — that was 5 years ago. Yikes.

Let’s see, what happened since the spring of 2018 that is relevant to this place:

  • 216 posts. According to our crack research team, that’s one every 8.449074 days.
  • 2,138 comments. Most of them nice, helpful, interesting. Wonderful community here.
  • 13 polls. The one with the most votes in the past 5 years involved syphilis testing — a quintessential ID poll, isn’t it? Should doctors still be allowed to wear white coats? is still the all-time winner, from 2015.
  • No more Physician’s First Watch. I can’t begin to describe how much I miss this reliable and insightful summary of medical news, delivered daily — what a great service. Not only that, they were also kind enough to link to my posts on a regular basis, greatly increasing and diversifying the readership. I wish it were back!
  • There was a global pandemic. Oh yeah, that. Note the date on that syphilis poll, January 2020 … <<involuntary shudder>>

It’s this last item which makes the current look back so different from the first one. Something momentous and literally world-changing happened during the past 5 years — and, like it or not, we ID specialists were front and center in the response, right from the start. 15 million deaths later, that’s got to hurt.

I thought of this recently when Medscape published one of its physician polls, this one on Lifestyle, Happiness and Burnout.

The results? While all physicians experienced a decline in happiness compared to pre-pandemic times, ID physicians have dropped a ton, falling to the bottom of list.

We can quibble with the methodology. Only 90 ID doctors surveyed! How representative of the specialty can this be? And the differences between many of the specialties are marginal. But I still believe the results mean something — namely that we’ve taken a big hit.

Which brings me back to one of most common questions I still get about writing this blog, which is Why do you do it?

Some of the answers are the same as what I posted 5 years ago — namely, that it’s fun, it’s a chance to write in my own voice rather than the voice of academic medical journals, and my editors let me be alternatively serious and silly without batting an eye over the dog, baseball, or comedy videos.

But also now, after we’ve passed the worst of the pandemic (crossing fingers), it’s a chance to highlight the continued joy and excitement of the specialty of Infectious Diseases — a field which, for all its problems, remains endlessly fascinating and rewarding. Again, I’ll cite this magazine feature on the practice of ID featuring Dr. Jerome Levine. His words:

Never once in all my years of practice have I ever been bored.

I’m pretty sure this comment resonates with ID doctors everywhere. How many clinicians are lucky enough to feel this way about their specialty? Describing this dynamic world of ID is the primary reason I continue to write here, whether it’s a Link-o-Rama, a Really Rapid Review™, talking through a clinical dilemma or controversial study, ranting about a commonly held annoyance, or just getting a chance to post some ideas floating around in my head.

So as long as you keep reading it, I’ll be writing it. Hope I’ve conveyed — and continue to convey — some of that joy.

And speaking of videos, how about this catch? It just might be the most remarkable one in the history of professional baseball.

Got to love his face after the catch. Had it all the time.

June 2nd, 2023

Continued Activity of NRTIs Despite Resistance Is a Real Thing

I don’t think many orthopedists are reading this post.

In our last post, we reviewed a case of a person with longstanding HIV with extensive multi-class resistance, but now a decade of viral suppression. They’re currently on an HIV treatment regimen of fully active raltegravir, partially active etravirine, and barely active (or not active at all!) darunavir. There are no NRTIs in the regimen, presumably because a resistance genotype showed four thymidine-associated mutations plus M184V.

They are taking a lot of large pills (four twice daily), with significant drug interactions and metabolic adverse effects, and the challenge is whether or not to simplify — and to what.

Based on the poll results, the comments, and the conversation online, there was hardly unanimity. But here’s what I would have voted:

It’s OK to simplify to bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir AF (BIC/FTC/TAF) — or, if you don’t have it, tenofovir/lamivudine/dolutegravir (TLD).

This isn’t the only effective choice. There are other active drugs from newer drug classes (ibalizumab, fostemsavir, lenacapavir), one of which could be added to BIC/FTC/TAF or to TLD.  And of course they could just stay on what they’re on — if it ain’t broke, right?

(Quick aside — some recommended regimens with doravirine or continued darunavir. Based on our understanding of genotypic correlates of drug resistance in these two drug classes, I strongly doubt these two drugs will do much of anything — with the Y188L mutation, I’m especially dubious about doravirine.)

The BIC/FTC/TAF or TLD options are highly likely to maintain viral suppression, plus they offer several obvious advantages — simplicity, relatively low cost, fewer adverse effects or drug interactions. The reason why they will work is the focus of this post.

First, it’s because bictegravir and dolutegravir have a much higher resistance barrier than raltegravir. There’s no SWITCHMRK study in their profile — just the opposite, with switch studies in suppressed patients consistently showing maintenance of suppression, and no emergent integrase inhibitor resistance. To get resistance to DTG or BIC, you really need to put them through a stress test, often a combination of high baseline viral load, low CD4-cell count, suboptimal adherence, monotherapy, or drug interactions.

None of those apply here.

Second, and sometimes not well appreciated, the NRTIs continue to exert substantial antiviral activity even in the setting of significant genotypic resistance. In other words, despite that nasty-looking genotype with all NRTIs characterized as showing “high-level resistance,” we still get something from this drug class.

I’ve linked below a bunch of studies that directly or indirectly prove that this phenomenon is clinically important. Some were done in eras when treatment options were much more limited, and hence maintenance of the NRTI class was a high priority. Each one shows that ongoing NRTI activity in the setting of genotypic resistance is the real deal, not just some laboratory phenomenon:

This last study, called 2SD, deserves further description; from the IAS-USA guidelines:

In the 2SD study conducted in Kenya, participants receiving second-line regimens consisting of a boosted PI plus nRTIs were randomly assigned to continue their current treatment or switch to dolutegravir plus 2 nRTIs. At 48 weeks, dolutegravir plus 2 nRTIs was noninferior to the continued therapy. Although no prior resistance assessments were performed in that trial, other studies of second-line boosted PI regimens in Africa have shown extensive nRTI resistance, including high rates of M184V and K65R mutations, and such resistance would be expected in the population enrolled in the 2SD trial.

Note also that the investigator presenting these data said that there was no INSTI resistance detected among those randomized to TLD. Awaiting the publications of this trial, we can also take some comfort in the fact that to date, I’m not aware of a single published report of the dolutegravir or bictegravir-based switch strategy failing in cases like this one, provided that adherence is good:

Importantly, I’m not saying that bictegravir or dolutegravir resistance cannot happen. In the NADIA and DAWNING studies of second-line treatment comparing DTG plus NRTIs versus boosted PI plus NRTIs, although the DTG strategy turned out to be noninferior (and with DAWNING, even superior), a small number of participants did develop INSTI resistance. But remember, these were patients who were viremic on study entry, not virally suppressed; furthermore, baseline NRTI resistance did not appear to influence the outcomes.

One multinational cohort study does show that NRTI resistance is indeed a risk factor for development of DTG resistance, but there is insufficient data from the preprint to assess whether it occurred in people virologically suppressed or viremic when they started DTG. Nor does this preprint address medication adherence.

Fortunately, we should have more data to inform this decision shortly. A huge number of people on second-line treatment globally will be switching to TLD, and BIC/FTC/TAF is by far the most popular HIV regimen here in the USA, both for initial treatment and stable-switch.

Stay tuned!

And watch this wonderful video, which includes asking an orthopedist Are you an infectious diseases doctor? His response is priceless.

May 25th, 2023

The Legacy of a Disappointing HIV Clinical Trial — Does It Still Apply to HIV Today?

A long, long time ago, back in the early exciting days of raltegravir, the first HIV integrase inhibitor, we learned something important from a clinical trial with disappointing results. The trial bore the (barely) hidden name of the company that developed the drug — SWITCHMRK, get it? — and had a profound impact on how we managed virologically suppressed patients for years.

What did we learn? Namely, that it was risky to switch stable people from their “high resistance barrier” regimen of lopinavir/ritonavir plus NRTIs to raltegravir plus NRTIs if they harbored viruses with NRTI resistance. Some of the participants who had a history of treatment failure who switched ended up experiencing virologic rebound with integrase inhibitor resistance, which made the switch to raltegravir not noninferior (sorry for the double negative) to continuing lopinavir/ritonavir.

The interpretation was that despite the potency and excellent tolerability of raltegravir — massively better than lopinavir/ritonavir — it wasn’t enough to maintain viral suppression reliably unless the NRTIs were also fully active. Based on these results, for years we steered clear of use of this valuable drug class in any setting where we couldn’t use at least one other fully active drug.

(My friend and colleague Joe Eron was the lead author on this study. I will note once again that Joe easily makes the top-5 in smarts in the HIV research world, no exaggeration, and that this was a very reasonable study design at the time, negative results notwithstanding. Unrelated, I wonder if Joe will attend this June 4 minor league baseball game in Charlotte, called Joe-Nanza, which aims to assemble the largest number of Joes at any single sporting event in history. It’s just a 2-hour drive from Chapel Hill!)

So now that we’ve reviewed SWITCHMRK, and a special event featuring Joes, let’s fast-forward to today, and contemplate a case. I’m sharing it with permission from Dr. Jezer Lezama, an ID doctor from Mexico who was looking for help (case details slightly edited):

PWH multi-drug resistance, w/high level R to PIs, NRTIs, NNRTIs, only etravirine partially active in 2013 but w/o previous exposure to integrase inhibitors. Rescue Tx: DRV600/r BID + RAL + ETV with viral suppression since then. Simplify? To which regimen?

He provided the 2013 resistance genotype, and yes, this is a challenging virus:

There’s a lot there to digest, so allow me to provide a quick interpretation, sparing you the trip to the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database:

  • NRTIs: The virus has the “TAM-1” pathway (M41L, L210W, T215Y), plus another thymidine-associated mutation (D67N), so even tenofovir activity is reduced. M184V, the magical 3TC/FTC mutation, partially reverses this tenofovir resistance.
  • NNRTIs: For this drug class, we find the important Y188L mutation, which confers high-level phenotypic resistance to all NNRTIs except etravirine. Trivia buffs will recall that Y188L is present on HIV-2 isolates, which is why NNRTIs don’t work against HIV-2.
  • PIs: Not much to like here — there are 3 major darunavir-associated mutations (I54L, L76V, I84V), two minor darunavir mutations (L33F, V11I), plus a couple of other major PI mutations (M46I, L90M). I bet there’s some fosamprenavir treatment failure in the past. If this person had a phenotype done, I suspect the fold-change loss of susceptibility would suggest that the darunavir isn’t doing much in this regimen, twice-daily dosing notwithstanding.
  • INSTI:  Not done, but presumably no resistance.

Fortunately, the brief history does give us good news about how he’s doing clinically — virologic suppression since 2013 on the “TRIO” regimen of twice-daily darunavir, twice-daily raltegravir, and twice-daily etravirine. As I’ve mentioned before, I cannot begin to describe how transformational HIV drug development was in the late 2000s, when we suddenly had these three new tools (especially raltegravir) for our highly-adherent PWH with multidrug resistance.

Some experienced an undetectable viral load for the very first time in their lives. It was truly a cause for celebration. Yay!

Dr. Lezama’s specific question now is — can he simplify the treatment to bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir AF? Why or why not?

What do you think? Next week we’ll review the results.

Can this patient simplify treatment?

View Results

May 15th, 2023

Types of HIV Papers — A Quick Guide

I spend a lot of my time reading HIV clinical research papers. A lot. 

So here, for your viewing pleasure, is a poster I updated and modified from a brilliant xkcd web comic (using this tool), describing some common HIV clinical research themes.

Suitable for framing, it should prove helpful as you embark on your next research project.

A brief commentary on the contents of these papers:

  1. Switching suppressed people with HIV (PWH) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) to almost anything maintains viral suppression. This is true for both biologic and behavioral reasons: there’s no viral replication at baseline, and only people with proven good medication adherence are eligible to participate. That means if it doesn’t work — like the raltegravir plus maraviroc switch — it’s pretty bad.
  2. Older people with HIV have more comorbid medical problems — yes, aging sucks for everyone. Everyone! No exceptions to the rule, alas.
  3. Here are a bunch of abnormal cytokines that nobody measures in clinical practice. They’re abnormal, yes. Clinical significance? Ummm … let me get back to you on that one. Or let me ask someone who loves cytokines, like the innovative and wonderful Dr. Irini Sereti.
  4. Low-level viremia drives us crazy, so we studied it — but you still won’t know what to do.  I’m lucky to work with a guru of low-level viremia (among other things), Dr. Jonathan Li, a translational virologist and senior author on this fascinating study. He knows more about this annoying lab result — its causes and implications — than anyone on the planet. Good to have his number on speed dial, if “speed dial” is still a thing in a post-landline age.
  5. Another unsuccessful broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) study, but this won’t keep us from trying again with something else. Let’s try an even broader one! One that’s more potent! Let’s “extendify” it, using techniques of “extendification”, so it can be given less often! Then it might work. But if not, we’ll try again!
  6. Some phylogenetic trees and/or single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that you won’t understand. Or at least, I won’t understand. Throw in a genomewide association study (GWAS) with a Manhattan plot, and let the confusion start.
  7. Poor adherence to preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is associated with getting HIV (I know, shocker). These are important studies from a behavioral health perspective, such as this recent one. But let me put this a different way — what if you had a strategy that clearly worked, but it wasn’t used? Would it still work?
  8. D’oh! Some people with HIV were diagnosed late because the clinicians caring for them for years never sent an HIV test. A remarkably common clinical error, even in 2023, sadly. Quoting this noted researcher in the title’s first syllable.
  9. This HIV cure intervention using drugs you’ve never heard of looks really promising — in a mouse. Or if not panobinostat, vedolizumab, or ipilimumab, how about some CRISPR?
  10. The incidence curves in this randomized trial of an HIV vaccine versus placebo overlap with depressing precision. Here’s the latest, alas. Oh well, it’s important to keep trying.
  11. No, we still haven’t found a good use for maraviroc. But still trying! Trivia buffs will know the clever brand name of this rarely used antiretroviral agent — Selzentry. Get it?
  12. Here’s a resistance mutation that only older HIV doctors have memorized. Guilty as charged. I’m still miffed that E138K is a resistance mutation for both nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and integrase inhibitors. What’s up with that?

Ok, that’s a wrap. Am sure I left off some major themes, what else would you include?

Hey, dog lovers — is this you? (It’s definitely me.)

May 8th, 2023

As the Public Health Emergency Comes to an End, How Are We Feeling About This?

As you no doubt heard, on Friday, May 5, 2023, the WHO declared the end of the global health emergency from COVID-19.

Here in the U.S., the federal public health emergency will expire on May 11. That’s Thursday, just a few days from now.

These events reflect two realities that, while seemingly contradictory, make these decisions reasonable — my constitutionally worried ID-doc mentality notwithstanding.

On the one hand, COVID is far from gone. Our patients, family, and friends are still getting this pesky bug, many of them now repeat episodes. And it always bears mentioning that, for certain people with weakened immune systems or multiple other medical problems, COVID is the cause, or the trigger, of severe illness. Some will get long COVID, though fortunately the incidence of this complication has declined over time.

Some worry about the increase in cases that will likely occur in the South as summer heats up and people move indoors. Or they are concerned about the most recent genetic offspring of Omicron, the scarily named Hyperion (XBB.1.9.1) or Arcturus (XBB.1.16).

All valid points. But let’s look at the other side of the current reality. Deaths due to COVID globally and in the U.S. have been below April 2020 levels and stable for over a year. The same holds true for hospitalizations for severe COVID-related illness.

The cause? Widespread immunity, giving protection from severe illness:

If you don’t like that study, here’s the CDC’s version, which they presented last week:

So COVID isn’t gone. But it sure is different now.

Importantly, not gone also are innumerable other infectious threats, including RSV and influenza and tuberculosis and Lyme disease and malaria and Staph aureus and you-name-it. No global or federal emergency for them — though I suspect first-year ID fellows all think we should have one for staph.

The passing of the COVID emergency inevitably brings to us ID docs certain feelings and recollections, even if it’s just the creepy feeling that if we let our guard down this SARS-CoV-2 thing is going to pounce again.

Even writing that makes me nervous. To be concise, it’s a combination of relief and trepidation.

So … how are you feeling about this?

Interested in hearing from both the ID and non-ID community!

April 28th, 2023

What is the Future of HIV Primary Care?

Here’s a figure I’ve made for an upcoming talk, which is entitled “The Future of HIV Care.” It summarizes several eras in HIV treatment, finishing up with the current unprecedented successful phase where most people with HIV take 1–2 pills a day, have virologic suppression and no clinically apparent immunodeficiency. HIV is often the least of their medical problems.

To put this into context, a patient at our hospital recently found out that the cause of their several months of fatigue and weight loss was HIV, and expressed relief that it wasn’t diabetes or cancer. And on hearing this comment, all the people on our HIV treatment team agreed that the management would indeed be easier, and more likely successful.

I don’t mean to diminish the potential severity of HIV, which of course can, undiagnosed and untreated, still be lethal. Far too many people in this country with HIV are either undiagnosed, or diagnosed and not engaged in regular care or treatment. Getting them on therapy remains an urgent individual and public health priority.

But for those in care, as an example of medical progress, HIV treatment stands out as a phenomenal success.

This success begs the question, once again, of the role ID specialists should play in the management of people who have HIV once they are on stable ART. When I last covered this topic here on this site nearly a decade ago, we were in the tail end of Era #4 above — and since then treatment has only gotten better.

For emphasis, I still believe ID doctors and HIV specialists should play a primary role in handling new HIV diagnoses, managing opportunistic infections and other complications, interpreting resistance testing, and helping guide treatment switches, especially as new options arise. The nuances of figuring out the best candidates for long-acting cabotegravir-rilpivirine certainly have put a recent premium on our expertise.

But the stable septuagenarian on one-pill ART whose major problems are hypertension, osteoarthritis, and, yes, type 2 diabetes? Who among us can claim that we’ve kept up sufficiently with these non-ID issues to be their ideal primary provider? If you, as an ID specialist, were given the option of attending an educational session from a brilliant speaker on “Advances in the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections” or “Advances in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes,” which would you choose?

We should not give up HIV care, but potentially shift it to be handled more like other medical specialties. Oncologists and rheumatologists, to cite two examples, play the dominant role in their respective diseases when treatments are active and monitoring is intense. But neither specialty takes on full primary care once the patients are rock-solid stable.

Pushing against any such distribution of HIV care to generalists is that most (importantly, not all) of the primary care workforce hasn’t been doing very much in HIV management. It’s notably concentrated in a very small fraction of U.S. clinicians. As an example, a patient of mine recently was told by their PCP that they wouldn’t order their routine monitoring tests — CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel, and HIV RNA — because “only ID can do that.” This is of course an extreme example (and certainly not true), but the anecdote shows how far from HIV general practice is for most people doing primary care.

Another important perspective comes from our patients, some of whom we’ve followed for decades. They may not be comfortable switching primary care, especially with a disease that still sadly confers some societal stigma.

So let’s re-do the poll and see what you think. As usual, I very much welcome in the comments section your opinions about this issue — and will select a few choice views for the talk!

Thank you.

Should ID doctors still do primary care for stable people with HIV?

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April 21st, 2023

A Change-of-Season ID/HIV Link-o-Rama

Bug, from Martin Frobenius Ledermüller’s Microscopic Delights (1759–63)

The warm weather takes its sweet time to arrive here in Boston, teasing us with an occasional comfortable day, but reverting frequently to chilly temperatures and high winds until mid-to-late May at the earliest. The afternoon sunlight might say, “Spring is here!”, but the nightly temps in the upper 30s/low 40s definitely say otherwise. Brrr.

Anyway, here are a bunch of assorted ID/HIV links of note, as the weather in Boston can’t decide between winter and summer — and eventually will skip spring entirely, as usual:

Hey baseball fans — how are you liking the pitch clock? I’m loving it!

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

Biography | Disclosures | Summaries

Learn more about HIV and ID Observations.