Posts Tagged ‘protease inhibitor’

March 20th, 2009

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow …

Since providers — especially doctors — are notoriously poor at predicting medication adherence, here’s some good news: In a paper from the Women’s Interagency Health Study, protease inhibitor levels in hair samples were the strongest independent predictor of virologic success — better than self-reported adherence, age, race, baseline viral load and CD4 cell count, and […]

March 1st, 2009

Sedation for Colonoscopies in HIV Patients: Debate Rages

Here’s a problem we’re grappling with: A patient with HIV needs a colonoscopy, but is on either a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor or an efavirenz-based regimen. (This must be something like 90% of HIV patients as of March 1, 2009, based on my extremely unscientific gut impression.) For efavirenz, midazolam is contraindicated; for ritonavir, same story — or “consider […]

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

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