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April 8th, 2018

Latest DHHS Guidelines for Initial HIV Therapy Now Include 5 Choices — But Really 2 Are Best

On March 28, the Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines issued an update to the HIV treatment guidelines, with a focus on the recent approval of bictegravir/TAF/FTC:

BIC/TAF/FTC is an effective and well-tolerated INSTI-based regimen for initial therapy in adults with HIV, with efficacy that is noninferior to DTG/ABC/3TC and DTG plus TAF/FTC for up to 48 weeks. On the basis of these clinical trial results, the Panel classifies BIC/TAF/FTC as one of the Recommended Initial Regimens for Most Adults with HIV.

Based on this change, there are now five recommended initial regimens for most people:

  1. Bictegravir/TAF/FTC
  2. Dolutegravir/ABC/3TC
  3. Dolutegravir + TAF (or TDF)/FTC
  4. Elvitegravir/cobicistat/TAF (or TDF)/FTC
  5. Raltegravir + TAF (or TDF)/FTC

All are based on an integrase inhibitor and a pair of NRTIs. Four have tenofovir/FTC as the NRTI pair. Three are available as a single tablet, once daily.

But with the important caveat that what follows represents my opinion and not that of these or any other guidelines, one could easily argue that there are really two primary choices here, not five.

And those are dolutegravir + TAF (not TDF)/FTC and, now, bictegravir/TAF/FTC.

Here’s why:

  • Raltegravir and elvitegravir both have a lower resistance barrier than dolutegravir and bictegravir. Virologic failure with elvitegravir and raltegravir may select for integrase resistance, usually along with NRTI resistance. This hasn’t happened yet in any clinical trial of dolutegravir or bictegravir for initial therapy, at least when given with two NRTIs.
  • Elvitegravir requires the pharmacokinetic booster cobicistat. This greatly increases the drug interactions of this option, some of which are highly clinically significant.
  • Raltegravir is two pills. In addition, it cannot be coformulated.
  • The association between abacavir and cardiovascular disease has become stronger with recent research. In addition, abacavir requires pre-treatment HLA-B5701 testing and does not treat hepatitis B. Furthermore, the coformulation of dolutegravir/ABC/3TC is the largest of the single-pill options for HIV therapy.
  • TAF has a better renal and bone safety profile than TDF. There will likely be cost benefits of TDF/FTC over TAF/FTC eventually, but they are not yet realized in the clinic.

As of April 8, 2018 (the day I’m writing this post), the choice between the two remaining options reflects how we and our patients feel about two issues.

If giving one pill rather than two is most important, then go with bictegravir/TAF/FTC.

If accumulated safety and “real world” experience is most important, then go with dolutegravir plus TAF/FTC.

Hey, isn’t HIV treatment simple these days?

April 1st, 2018

News Flash — The World Isn’t Sterile

I am a serious biothreat.

You might have missed this press release from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID):

Bethesda, MD
April 1, 2018
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, at the National Institutes of Health, invites grant applications which propose research in the following 3 critical world health challenges:
1.  Development of an effective HIV vaccine.
2.  Global eradication of malaria.
3.  Identification of the germs you can find lurking on or inside everyday objects. Priority items for this research include the kitchen drying rack, the shower curtain, and bathtub toys.

Well, not really.

But the inspiration for that (lame) April Fools’ Day joke was this recently published study finding bacteria inside your kid’s rubber duck.

And it’s not just rubber ducks. A prior study found these and other scary bugs in your office coffee maker.

While we’re at it, let’s take a look at your flight’s tray table.

On your kitchen sponge.

Or in the other room, on your TV remote control.

Outside, in the playground sandbox.

And beware your doctor’s necktie and stethoscope. And that white coat? Teeming. I could go on and on.

(In fact, I already did!)

Indeed, if you look hard enough, bacteria can be found literally everywhere — except perhaps inside your hospital’s autoclave.

What’s missing from all these studies, of course, is a correlation between identification of these bugs and any subsequent diseases. It’s not as if kids with rubber ducks are coming down with more infections than kids who don’t have them.

Perhaps a competing bath toy company will fund a clinical outcomes study, but don’t hold your breath. The rubber ducks have quite a stranglehold on this market.

In summary, bacteria on common household, work, and travel items are ubiquitous; furthermore, we lack any clinical data that this is important in any way.

Hence, I wonder — why are these “we found bacteria on [common-item]” studies so common? Even more perplexing, why are they such popular news fodder? The press can’t seem to get enough.

According to its Altmetric score (pictured to the right), the above-mentioned rubber duck study is a bigger news story than the fact that rates of tuberculosis in the USA have reached historic lows.

(Since TB control is one of the few things our crazy U.S. healthcare system does really well, I like to publicize these data whenever possible. You’re welcome.)

And what do we call these studies? Clearly the very category deserves a name:

While there are several excellent proposals, I’m particularly partial to two answers so far — “Quotidiome” and “Ubiquibiota” — and certainly understand the appeal of “Nocarediosis,” though that one might be a bit too obscure for non-ID types.

Any other ideas?

March 25th, 2018

Why Is Some Academic Spam Funnier Than Others?

This invitation made me laugh out loud:

From: International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Sciences <>
Date: Friday, March 23, 2018 at 7:03 AM
To: “Sax, Paul Edward,M.D.”
Subject: Accepting Articles for our Inaugural Issue: IJPFS 

Dear Dr. Paul E Sax,

Greetings from International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Sciences!

We are privileged to introduce International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Sciences a peer reviewed journal and currently inviting papers for inaugural issue.

We had a glance at your published article “Tenofovir alafenamide versus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, coformulated with elvitegravir, cobicistat, and emtricitabine, for initial treatment of HIV-1 infection: two randomised, double-blind, phase 3, non-inferiority trials.”.

We found your article very innovative, insightful & interesting; we really value your outstanding Contribution towards Scientific Community and it was really appreciated.

With the theme of ‘Serving Scientific Community for a better Mankind’, to International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Sciences is publishing articles dealing with all aspects of poultry and fisheries. Being impressed by your quality work, we are contacting you to know if you can associate with us by submitting your upcoming research.

We accept any article (Research Paper, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Mini- Review, Opinions, and Letter to Editors etc.) for publication so, we Request you, to provide your manuscript on or before March 29th, 2018.

Note:  If need arises, we will extend the date of submission as per your convenience.

Your diligent work and speedy submission will expedite the release of the inaugural issue of the journal.

International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Sciences would be highly appreciative of your contribution and cooperation. 

Thank you for your valuable time! Kindly revert to us for your queries.

Best Regards,

Carolyn Sonia

International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Sciences

Symbiosis Group

1203, Heron Dr

Normal IL 61761

T: +1-872-356-4001

F: +1-309-424-5750 

This might be the most absurd single item of academic spam I’ve ever received.

Beats the invite from the Johnson Journal of Aquaculture and Research by a mile.

And surpassed everything on this list from Marty Hirsch, which I can’t resist sharing again:

So congratulations to the “International Journal of Poultry and Fisheries Sciences,” or the “IJPFS,” as it’s commonly known to all — you are the winner!

Which got me wondering — why is some academic spam funnier than others?

March 18th, 2018

Why with Extremely Resistant Infections, It’s Extremely Important to Consult ID

Since the only procedures most of us Infectious Diseases doctors do with any regularity are biopsies of patient medical records, we have to justify our existence in other ways — such as collecting data on how our expertise improves patient outcomes.

There are a bunch of these papers published, with this one being the most widely cited (the title says it all):

Infectious Diseases Specialty Intervention Is Associated With Decreased Mortality and Lower Healthcare Costs  

Here are a few more, hardly a comprehensive list:

Now, a paper just published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases looks at the effect of ID consultation on outcomes in patients hospitalized with multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs).

The retrospective review spanned nearly 10 years of data and included over 4000 patients. The researchers found that ID consultation was associated with a significant reduction in all-cause mortality for drug-resistant S. aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, and polymicrobial MDRO infections.

For some of these infections, the effect was huge — a 50% decrease in deaths. Patients with resistant gram-negative infections also had a reduction in 30-day readmissions.

Studies like this are critically important to our specialty. They demonstrate the value of Infectious Diseases in ways that go far beyond simply counting “relative value units” (RVUs), a scoring system where we invariably come up short.

Finally, leave it to that bastion of common sense, Consumer Reports, to summarize the results perfectly:

Aside from the hyphen between “infectious-disease” in the subtitle, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

March 11th, 2018

Really Rapid Review — CROI 2018, Boston

The 25th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) just wrapped up in warm, sunny Boston.

Everyone in attendance took advantage of the fine March weather to get some much-needed sun, to feel the sand between their toes, to sip a tropical drink, and to hear the latest in HIV research.

Well, the last part was true — CROI clearly remains our best meeting, the only one that brings together so much high quality research from so many disciplines. Clinical, basic, and behavioral researchers all have a place here.

And though the meeting was bookended by a pair of Nor’easters — the one at the start was a whopper, I thought my dog Louie would blow away in the wind — the weather during most of the conference was actually not bad at all.

On to some highlights, a Really Rapid Review®, with apologies ahead of time for the poor organization. As always, feel free to write in the comments section any important studies I might have missed.

The dates of CROI are no longer a tightly kept secret (hooray!), so we already know that next year’s meeting will be in Seattle, March 4-7, 2019.

As for here in Boston, we’re getting ready for our next big storm.

So what did I miss?

March 4th, 2018

Winner of ID Cartoon Caption Contest #3, and Here’s #4 Just in Time for CROI

One of the challenging aspects of writing this blog is that there is so much interesting material in the ID/HIV world that sometimes I forget to cover critical items.

Example: the winner of the most recent ID Cartoon Caption Contest, which I’m embarrassed to admit, has been awaiting its announcement since late 2016.

The winner:

“He was ready to go 6 days ago but I can’t find ‘discharge’ on the menu.”

It’s a great caption, trouncing the very strong competition of 3 other finalists by garnering 62% of the vote.

But I confess we here at NEJM Journal Watch were torn between this one and “Have you tried switching him off and back on again?,” which we thought would finish stronger than its 13% of the total vote.

Concerned, we asked our crack team of cybersecurity experts to investigate further, and we’re proud to announce there was no Russian meddling in the voting process. Hence, the winner is clear.

So congratulations to Steve V., who submitted the top caption! As I’m sure he’s aware, he’s the winner of a lifetime free subscription to this blog, good in all 50 states and US Territories. If Steve V. is from another country, he can continue to access the blog provided he has a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate.

Now, onto the next contest. Some of us in the ID/HIV world will be coming to Boston for CROI this week, but fortunately my skilled collaborator Anne Sax not only isn’t attending CROI, she also has no idea what “CROI” even is.

Working together (my idea, 100% her drawing), we’ve come up with the doctor-patient encounter displayed below, perhaps inspired by last week’s Nor’easter.

As before, write your proposed caption in the comments section, or pop it on my Twitter feed — or, if you’re feeling shy, email it to me at

Good luck!


February 25th, 2018

Is Self-Administered Postexposure Prophylaxis Another Viable Option for HIV Prevention?

Most of the pivotal trials of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) have used daily therapy.

The lone exception is the IPERGAY study. Men at high risk for acquiring HIV took two tablets of tenofovir DF/emtricitabine (TDF/FTC, Truvada) before sex, and one tablet the next 2 days.

The strategy was highly effective in preventing HIV acquisition, and intermittent PrEP is endorsed as an option in France, where the study was conducted.

(About that name — it stands for Intervention Préventive de l’Exposition aux Risques avec et pour les Gays. I have it on good word from the lead investigator that they can say it in French without smiling.)

The main concern some have raised about the IPERGAY results is that participants had relatively frequent exposures (a median of 4/month), enough so that sufficient tissue levels of TDF/FTC could be maintained.

But what about even less frequent high risk exposures, say a few of times a year? Daily PrEP for these patients seems like overkill, and intermittent PrEP may not work. Might they benefit from a different prevention strategy?

A group in Toronto just published a novel approach to these patients — instead of giving them PrEP, they are recommending on-demand postexposure prophylaxis (PEP).

(In the paper, they call it “PEP-in-pocket,” or “PIP,” but I don’t think we can tolerate another one of these single syllable abbreviations in HIV prevention that begins with “P.”)

From 2013–2017, two clinical sites identified relatively low-risk individuals from those who were initially referred for PrEP.

The preventive strategy consisted of prescribing a 28-day supply of TDF/FTC plus dolutegravir, with instructions to start it as soon as possible if the patient had what they deemed to be an exposure that might transmit HIV.

Thirty such people were identified. In the follow-up period, 4 of the 30 initiated PEP on their own, all doing so within 10 hours of the exposure. Each reported good adherence to their treatment, and were closely followed-up.

All who started preventive medications were seen in clinic within a week for clinical evaluation and blood work. There were no HIV seroconversions in 21.8 person-years of follow-up.

Of course, the small size of the study, and its retrospective, non-comparative design hardly are sufficient to incorporate this strategy into guidelines.

Nonetheless, there are several advantages to this on-demand PEP strategy. These include avoiding daily exposure to medications, lower drug costs, reducing emergency room visits, and still providing some preventive intervention, just in case. Individuals who start on-demand PEP multiple times can be transitioned to PrEP, which is what happened to 4 of the patients in this study.

I look forward to hearing more about this approach — and I’d be saying that even if the senior author weren’t a graduate of our ID fellowship program!

(Nice work, Isaac.)

February 19th, 2018

Can We Solve the Morass of Outpatient Intravenous Antibiotic Therapy?

“Hey folks, no need to check the vancomycin level, I’m sure it will be fine.”

If you want to get an ID doctor riled up, here are a few reliable strategies:

  • Get an ID consult on a complex patient just to summarize the chart for your discharge summary.
  • Endorse the view that procedural doctors deserve their vastly higher salaries than MDs in cognitive specialties.
  • Prescribe azithromycin for patients with bad colds.
  • Discharge a patient from the hospital on intravenous antibiotics when an oral antibiotic would work just as well.

I’ve not hidden my distaste for unnecessary “outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy,” or OPAT on this blog, once devoting a whole post to oral antibiotics with excellent absorption.

It’s not just the inconvenience and potential dangers (blood clots, secondary infections from the IV catheters) of OPAT that I dislike. It’s also that there is essentially no support (read: money) for the clinicians charged with monitoring these complex patients, or for coordinating the many people who may be involved in their care.

Payers certainly don’t pay doctors or nurses for the substantial phone time, emails, and faxes that each OPAT patient generates. This may motivate some doctors to schedule unnecessary outpatient visits for these cases — otherwise they’d get nothing.

And since nobody is paying anyone to oversee the care of OPAT patients, there’s often a “Who me?” approach to their follow-up that is neither good for patient care or the morale of their providers.

Or just as bad, there are too many cooks in the kitchen, and no one is quite clear who’s responsible for what.

A recent post on the IDSA website by ID doctor Parker Hudson detailed this thorny issue perfectly:

Our OPAT program spends a disproportionate amount of time trying to track down labs/levels from patients on IV antibiotics who were discharged to SNFs [skilled nursing facilities]. Despite our orders and requests, most of these values are interpreted and managed by medical directors and not sent back to us — the ID docs writing the orders and following up the patients.

What followed were literally dozens of comments from other ID doctors with similar problems, problems we certainly experience on a daily basis with our OPAT program as well.

To illustrate the complexity, here’s a case — and then a very simple poll.

A 57-year-old man with diabetes and chronic renal disease is referred for admission by his primary care provider (PCP) with 2 weeks of progressive back pain, and found to have spinal osteomyelitis secondary to MRSA. A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line is placed, and because of severe ongoing pain, he is discharged on hospital day 5 to a skilled nursing facility to complete 6 weeks of parenteral vancomycin and to receive physical therapy. At the time of discharge, his ID consultant (who does not do outpatient ID care) recommends that safety labs be done twice weekly, and vancomycin levels once weekly. An outpatient appointment with a different ID doctor is scheduled for 4 weeks later, as well as with his PCP.

Now, take the poll — and if you have a moment, provide the rationale for your answer in the comments section. Bonus points for any practical solutions to the OPAT morass — they would be most welcome!

Who is responsible for reviewing and monitoring the lab tests on this patient?

View Results

February 12th, 2018

Shingles Vaccine Video, New Name for C. diff, Flu B Rising, and More — A Pre-Valentine’s Day ID Link-o-Rama

We are a Royalty Free Stock Image — proof that sometimes you get what you pay for.

With Valentine’s Day and early spring training baseball both on the horizon this week, it’s obviously time for an extra special ID Link-o-Rama.

On to the links, with a bonus non-ID section and a highly recommended video at the end:

Ok, non-ID section — a few medical, one not medical at all.

Pitchers and catchers, music to my ears!

And take it away, Dr. Fryhofer — nice job on this video!

February 5th, 2018

The Four States of Clinical Medicine, and a Movie Review (Sort Of)

I finally saw The Big Sick.

And hooray, it’s excellent. 9/10. Based loosely on the real-life courtship between comedian Kumail Nanjiani and writer Emily V. Gordon, the movie has great word of mouth, is making gobs of money for an independent comedy, and was nominated for Best Original Screenplay.

Deserves both the the accolades and the cash.

In its way, the movie perfectly captures the Four States of Clinical Medicine, which my sister has expertly drawn for me in this 2X2 table:

One of the characters spends a good deal of the movie in Box 4 (not getting better, diagnosis unknown), which clinicians will immediately recognize as the very worst box to be in. 

All of our efforts sometimes seem directed at moving patients out of Box 4. Even Box 3 (not getting better, diagnosis known) is preferable, though it’s not as if these patients are cured, so this is clearly the second worst box to be in.

From my admittedly biased perspective, I believe we ID doctors who do inpatient consults are particularly linked to cases in Box 4.

You almost expect someone to call a consult with the specific query, “Hey, we have someone who’s not getting better, and we don’t know why [Box 4]. Can you help us out?”

But of course, it’s not just us ID types who see patients in this category — anyone who sees patients will recognize that disquieting feeling of caring for a patient who is worsening clinically without a diagnosis.

If we feel bad about Box 4, imagine how the patients and their families feel? In the movie, there’s a skillfully depicted scene soon after the main character is admitted to intensive care, where a series of specialists come by to talk to the family about what they think is going on, and why.

Since they don’t know the answer, and she’s critically ill, a predictable torrent of medical jargon ensues, only adding to the family’s anxiety. Unfortunately, Box 4 triggers amnesia for many of us on how to use plain English to describe things clearly to non-physicians.

To wrap up the rest of the Four States of Clinical Medicine, Box 2 (getting better, diagnosis unknown) is the stuff of everyday practice, especially in the outpatient setting. Scientific studies have conclusively shown that despite increasingly sophisticated diagnostic tests, 89.94% of clinical medicine is in Box 2.

(I made that up.)

A patient arrives with low back pain, which is disabling. There are no red flags — no fever, no weight loss, no worrisome past medical history, normal neurologic exam. One could do imaging, but even if abnormalities are found, who’s to say this is causing their pain?

And a couple of weeks later, it’s all gone. That’s Box 2.

And Box 1 (getting better, diagnosis known) is where we all want to be. These are the “great cases” for all involved, regardless of severity. In the summertime, consider the elderly avid gardener with fever, mental status changes, and thrombocytopenia — and after a few days of doxycycline for anaplasmosis, he’s all better.

Or the patient with weeks of anorexia, low grade fevers, and weight loss, where everyone is worried about cancer — until a couple of blood cultures are positive for alpha strep, and treatment for endocarditis reverses the whole process.

These are dramatic wins, gratifying for all, and why we do what we do. One could even argue that the joy and relief of being in Box 1 is so profound that one could justify the use of of novel diagnostic tests, even if it means identifying something for which we have no treatment.

How about the outpatient with a prolonged cold? These have been Box 2 patients (getting better over time, no specific diagnosis) since the beginning of medicine. Is it worth finding out they have rhinovirus just to move them into Box 1?

The quality-of-life boost might be that good.

Back to the movie — here are the bare bones of the plot, in case you haven’t seen it: An unlikely but very appealing young couple falls in love. Just as the relationship is getting serious, they have a break-up despite their obvious great chemistry. Shortly after they split, the woman develops a life-threatening illness, likely an infection of some sort.

There’s of course a lot more to it, but instead of spoiling the plot for everyone who hasn’t seen it, I want to highlight the reason it’s showing up in this ID blog — and it’s not just because of the word “infection” in the previous paragraph.

Guess in which box the character in The Big Sick ends up?

Hey, it’s a comedy. And seeing the movie made me very happy.

H/T to ID doc Tom O’Brien — yes, father of Conan! — for the concept, and to Anne Sax for the drawing.

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

Biography | Disclosures | Summaries

Learn more about HIV and ID Observations.