Articles matching the ‘Health Care’ Category

November 12th, 2010

Tesamorelin is Approved

This just in from the FDA: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Egrifta (tesamorelin) to treat HIV patients with lipodystrophy, a condition in which excess fat develops in different areas of the body, most notably around the liver, stomach, and other abdominal organs. The condition is associated with many antiretroviral drugs used to treat HIV. […]

November 7th, 2010

Welcome to the Click-Fest

Let me start by confessing I’m something of a gadget freak.  I was an early Palm Pilot adoptor, loved the iPod from the get-go, and need to avoid CNET, Engadget, Gizmodo, and David Pogue’s columns for the New York Times when deadlines loom. Not surprisingly, I embraced the shift to electronic medical records (EMRs) enthusiastically. While […]

November 4th, 2010

XMRV and CFS: More Yay and Nay

Does XMRV cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?  Or more accurately, is it even associated with CFS? I’ve been putting off writing about this for a while, as I knew colleagues of mine had a paper in press on the topic, and I wanted the dust to settle a bit more on the controversy. But of course the controversy, […]

October 7th, 2010

Post-Halladay Video Treat: Prospects for HIV Cure

For a little entertainment between playoff games — but how could anyone beat the guy in the picture? — you might want to check out this interview I did with Dan Kuritzkes about the prospects for an HIV cure. So which do you think we’ll see first — an HIV cure or a vaccine?  And I don’t mean an […]

September 27th, 2010

CROI 2011: February 27-March 2, Boston

Yes, I know it’s already listed on the official web site. But since it’s in Boston, and since this post drove tons of internet traffic this way, why not cite it again? And let’s all hope that February here in 2011 is nothing like February 1978.  Nah, that couldn’t happen …

September 17th, 2010

What Are These Conferences?

With ICAAC now completed — which took place in a city called Boston but seemed far, far, from home (see picture) — it seems timely to inquire about another form of “scientific” conference. Every so often, I’ll receive an email like this (slightly edited to protect the sender, whomever he or she may be): Dear Dr. Professor Sax, […]

August 26th, 2010

Lyme Cases Up — Anecdotes, True Epidemiology, and More Anecdotes

All of us New England-based ID doctors (and internists and family practitioners and pediatricians and NPs/PAs in primary care) who have been in practice a while will tell you that Lyme cases have been increasing for years. And it’s not just the number of cases, it’s also where and when they are occurring.  A few years ago […]

August 18th, 2010

Wednesday Wolbachias

Some scattered HIV/ID issues as the days remain warm but are (sadly) growing shorter: Here’s another one of these legal cases in which a person with HIV is charged with a crime for not warning partners about being HIV positive.  Interesting twists this time:  it’s a woman, and it’s in Germany.  This other one in Texas […]

August 10th, 2010

Curbside Consults: The Yin and the Yang

One of the simultaneously most enjoyable and exasperating aspects of being an Infectious Disease specialist is the large volume of “curbside” consultations we get from colleagues. For example, here’s this week’s talley — and it’s only Tuesday — done from memory and without systematically keeping track of emails, pages, phone calls, etc.: Duration of antibiotics after urosepsis, […]

July 14th, 2010

Common Sense on the HIV Testing Law in the Bay State

From yesterday’s Boston Globe: Existing state law puts up a speed bump, by demanding a special written consent form before doctors can check for the AIDS virus. A bill before the state Senate would bring the rules for HIV screening closer to those for other routine tests. The change is warranted, yet some AIDS activists are […]

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

Biography | Disclosures | Summaries

Learn more about HIV and ID Observations.