March 16th, 2020

Difficult Times — Meaning No CROI Really Rapid Review 2020

In a usual year, right about now, I’d be obsessed with two things:

But this isn’t a usual year, especially not for us specialists in Infectious Diseases.

Baseball is on hold for now, thank you coronavirus — they say two weeks, but everyone knows it will be longer. Who knows.

As for CROI? Due to some remarkable sleight of hand, at the last minute it became a virtual meeting, with research and plenaries presented online. The  planners moderated the sessions in place right here in Boston — but no one attended live.

I thought about writing a Really Rapid Review©® on this electronic CROI.

But I was so distracted by COVID-19 activities that it was tricky. (Ok. Impossible.) Today I concluded that the product wouldn’t meet the high standards of those who read this site regularly, for which you have my sincere gratitude.

Meanwhile, you can take a look at this isolated citation from the conference. I do think it is the most important practice-changing study from CROI 2020 — how often do we see randomized clinical trials in pregnant women with HIV?

(HARDLY EVER. There, I answered.)

It’s called IMPAACT 2010. And with the disclosure that I’m a (relatively unimportant) co-investigator on the study, and obviously some disappointment that it didn’t get the attention it deserved, here’s a take-home message — DTG + TAF/FTC may well be the best regimen for treatment-naive pregnant women.

Meanwhile, if you want to know how your fellow ID doc feels right now, take it away Adi:

Thank you for your patience. And take care of yourself during this difficult time.

5 Responses to “Difficult Times — Meaning No CROI Really Rapid Review 2020”

  1. Tim Hone says:

    Thanks for giving time to the blog Paul! Always a delight to read.

  2. Matt Kuhlmann says:

    Please do not underestimate the healing powers of opening day. Some of your readers are ardent baseball fans!

  3. Jeanne Breen says:

    Exactly what Matt Kuhlmann says above!

    Thanks, as always, for your posts, Paul. Always the perfect combination of informative, insightful and witty.

  4. Ashish Kumar Dawn says:

    There were some issues regarding neonates being born with neural tube defects in women exposed to DTG during pregnancy. How has this concern finally been addressed ?

  5. Michelle Hill says:

    Is there any hope or is this really it?? I guess just looking for some reassurance if there happens to be any….. thanks!

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

Biography | Disclosures | Summaries

Learn more about HIV and ID Observations.