An ongoing dialogue on HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases,
October 12th, 2010
Worlds Collide: Roberto Alomar and HIV
Now that a second woman has accused Roberto Alomar of having HIV, it’s probably time to give this sad story a look-over. After all, how often do these two worlds of mine — HIV/ID (work) and baseball (lifetime hobby — my wife would say that’s a collosal understatement) actually meet? For those unfamiliar with the basics: Alomar was […]
October 7th, 2010
Post-Halladay Video Treat: Prospects for HIV Cure
For a little entertainment between playoff games — but how could anyone beat the guy in the picture? — you might want to check out this interview I did with Dan Kuritzkes about the prospects for an HIV cure. So which do you think we’ll see first — an HIV cure or a vaccine? And I don’t mean an […]
October 1st, 2010
Five Friday Fasciolas
As we await either the start of the baseball playoffs (or Spring Training), here is some ID/HIV content to consider, in no particular order: Could adenovirus infection be the cause of obesity? That would be the media take, especially from this highly-esteemed research journal, The New York Daily News. (Warning: kind of ugly photo in link.) […]
September 17th, 2010
What Are These Conferences?
With ICAAC now completed — which took place in a city called Boston but seemed far, far, from home (see picture) — it seems timely to inquire about another form of “scientific” conference. Every so often, I’ll receive an email like this (slightly edited to protect the sender, whomever he or she may be): Dear Dr. Professor Sax, […]
September 6th, 2010
Treating Cellulitis: Getting the Answer Wrong and Right
What’s the right antibiotic choice for cellulitis in the era of community-acquired MRSA? As astutely pointed out by Anne in her comment, the “correct” answer to the recertification question was #4, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, for the following reason: I am not a doctor, I am a test developer. Having exactly zero knowledge about the content here (could be Chinese […]
September 1st, 2010
Testing your Testing Skills
Have I whined yet about how I’m part of the first Internal Medicine class that was not “grandfathered” through to eternal board certfication? If not, now I have. So for you fellow test-takers, here’s another one for you, adapted somewhat from this delightful experience I’m required to go through every 10 years. Oddly, just like the last one reviewed […]
August 30th, 2010
Required Reading: In Love and “Serodiscordant”
Being of a certain age, my wife and I still subscribe to the print version of the Sunday New York Times. Since we also get the local rag, quite a bit of paper is deposited on our doorstep each week. Worth it? You bet, especially since occasionally there’s a gem in there like this week’s Modern […]
August 26th, 2010
Lyme Cases Up — Anecdotes, True Epidemiology, and More Anecdotes
All of us New England-based ID doctors (and internists and family practitioners and pediatricians and NPs/PAs in primary care) who have been in practice a while will tell you that Lyme cases have been increasing for years. And it’s not just the number of cases, it’s also where and when they are occurring. A few years ago […]
August 10th, 2010
Curbside Consults: The Yin and the Yang
One of the simultaneously most enjoyable and exasperating aspects of being an Infectious Disease specialist is the large volume of “curbside” consultations we get from colleagues. For example, here’s this week’s talley — and it’s only Tuesday — done from memory and without systematically keeping track of emails, pages, phone calls, etc.: Duration of antibiotics after urosepsis, […]
July 19th, 2010
Vienna IAS: First (Really) Positive Microbicide Study
Big news from Vienna and Science, imminently: The CAPRISA 004 trial assessed effectiveness and safety of a 1% vaginal gel formulation of tenofovir, a nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor, for the prevention of HIV acquisition in women. A double-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted comparing tenofovir gel (n = 445) with placebo gel (n = 444) in sexually active, HIV-uninfected 18- to 40-year-old women in […]