An ongoing dialogue on HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases,
September 25th, 2009
MRSA in Pets
As every card-carrying ID specialist knows, hardly anything is more common these days than patients with — and questions about — methcillin-resistant Staph aureus, or MRSA. And one question I’ve been hearing increasingly these days is “Could I be getting my recurrent infection from Rufus?” To which the answer is, unfortunately, yes. (I had a dog named Rufus. […]
September 18th, 2009
Integrase Inhibitors: In Search of an Abbreviation
The alphabet soup that characterizes HIV therapeutics has always been one of its quirky challenges — for example, who could possibly know that 3TC, CBV, TZV, EPZ, and LAM all refer to drugs that are (or contain) lamivudine? This drives our ID fellows nuts, and is certainly a strong deterrent to non-HIV specialists to learning the field. […]
August 26th, 2009
Late Summer Odds and Ends: Circumcision, H1N1 Vaccine, Lyme Movie, etc.
A few ID/HIV items to cover before summer “unofficially” ends (Sept 1? Kids back at school? Labor Day?): Will US Public Health officials recommend infant male circumcision to prevent HIV? They might be considering such a move, but I suspect it will not be strongly promoted. After all, none of the studies demonstrating its efficacy have […]
August 14th, 2009
Who Gets Toxoplasmosis in the United States?
This might seem bizarre, but one of the reasons I chose to go into Infectious Diseases as a field was the names of the diseases (and often the micro-organisms that caused them) sounded so darn cool. For example, if you were a science fiction writer you could hardly come up with a better-sounding name for a […]
August 5th, 2009
Just Out: Primary Care HIV Guidelines
Over on the CID web site, they have the revised version of the “IDSA Primary Care Guidelines for the Management of Persons Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus”. It’s a great document, filled with useful references and a particularly strong table where to find other consensus guidelines (diabetes, hyperlipidemia, mental health, others). My vote for what will […]
July 25th, 2009
IAS Cape Town 2009: Some Greatest Hits
Below is a highly-subjective list of some of the highlights from the Cape Town IAS meeting. I’m sure I missed something — it’s impossible to see everything at these large conferences. Corrections/additions welcome! My miss-rate might be particularly high since the international AIDS meetings are appropriately focused on HIV treatment in resource-limited settings (especially Africa) whereas […]
July 20th, 2009
Cape Town IAS Meeting — A Quick Look Back at Durban 2000
The international AIDS meeting finds its way today to South Africa, the country with arguably the greatest needs for HIV prevention and treatment. This is not the first time the meeting was in this country, of course — in 2000, the World AIDS Conference took place in Durban, a truly landmark event in the history of […]
July 4th, 2009
Progress on Consent for HIV Testing?
As I’ve noted here several times (some might say ad nauseum), I am convinced that Massachusetts’ arcane law requiring written informed consent prior to HIV testing is a barrier to more widespread screening — an opinion that is shared by virtually every clinician I’ve asked about this issue. Last week, there was an announcement about progress […]
June 24th, 2009
An Irrational Fear of IRIS?
One of the most important recent studies in HIV has just been “published” in (on?) PLoS ONE. It’s ACTG 5164, led by Andrew Zolopa, which compared “early” versus “deferred” antiretroviral therapy in 282 patients presenting with acute opportunistic infections. (Full disclosure: I am on the protocol study team — but am not an author on this paper.) […]
June 20th, 2009
More HIV in the Adult Film Industry (Maybe)
From the New York Times last week: Health officials in Los Angeles said Friday that 22 actors in adult sex movies had contracted HIV since 2004, when a previous outbreak led to efforts to protect pornography industry employees. (snip) Occupational health officials have long argued that failing to require that performers wear condoms during intercourse and other […]