January 6th, 2019

Rabies After Trip to India, Aortic Dissections with Quinolones, a Vaccine for Candida, Koala Bites, and More: A Welcome-to-2019 ID Link-o-Rama

From the Library of Congress, government shutdown notwithstanding.

As 2018 tips over into 2019, here are a bunch of ID- and HIV-related studies that, for one reason or another, haven’t made their way to this site yet — but still yearn for your attention:

Have you written 2018 on a form or check yet?

Of course you have. Happy New Year!

And just 18 million views for this video (and counting):

3 Responses to “Rabies After Trip to India, Aortic Dissections with Quinolones, a Vaccine for Candida, Koala Bites, and More: A Welcome-to-2019 ID Link-o-Rama”

  1. Ibrahim says:

    Very nice updated reviews

  2. ohide otome says:

    Before your prescribe antibiotics think ABCD
    Antibiotic- choice for what
    Bugs you want covered
    Creatinine Clearance & appropriate dose

  3. Husain Poonawala says:

    Thank you for the review. I always look forward to Link-o-Rama!
    The death of the woman from Virginia from rabies was very tragic. Just to point out that the rabies vaccine is widely available in the private healthcare system in India, and is also available free of charge in government hospitals in many states ( the government hospital where I rotated as a medical student prescribed it routinely in the emergency department). Medical education in India addresses rabies prevention and providers prescribe the vaccine routinely. I hope ID docs in travel clinics in the US will use this unfortunate case to inform their patients on the need to seek immediate medical care following a dog bite and the widespread availability of the vaccine in India.

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

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Learn more about HIV and ID Observations.