July 14th, 2016

Must-Read Item: This Year’s JAMA HIV/AIDS Issue

s_jama_276_2_coverlargeThe folks over at the Journal of the American Medical Association have been doing a periodic HIV/AIDS themed issue for years, generally around the time of the International AIDS Conference.

The latest issue is out this week, and it’s terrific. Here are some highlights:

Hey, remember when JAMA had art on the cover? (And yes, I miss that.) The 1996 cover to the HIV/AIDS issue was famously blank (see image above), the absence of artwork making a strong statement about “the toll the virus has taken among artists and other creative persons who have died prematurely because of AIDS.”

Now, 20 years later, the current HIV/AIDS JAMA issue includes content that would have been unfathomable at that time. Little did we know that 1996 would be the pivotal year, the turning point when this rapidly fatal disease — then the leading cause of death among young Americans — would become both treatable and preventable.

Amazing progress.

Even “augmented reality” can’t compete.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEb4UFIuXLM&w=560&h=315]

(I predict 2-3 months for this Pokemon Go craze, but what do I know.)

One Response to “Must-Read Item: This Year’s JAMA HIV/AIDS Issue”

  1. Joel Gallant says:

    While we’re at it, can we also get rid of “cART”? I go on a tirade every time I see it in a paper I’m asked to review. It’s even worse than “HAART.” AZT/3TC was “cART,” but it wasn’t “HAART.”

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

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