An ongoing dialogue on HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases,
January 28th, 2022
Required Learning Modules and How to Make People Learn
Like thousands of others who work in my organization, I’ve just finished a stultifying annual task — several hours of required online learning modules that must be completed to keep my job. How much do we look forward to them? Think annual car inspections, or tax returns, and multiply the boredom factor several-fold. You might not be […]
December 13th, 2021
ID Learning Units from Inpatient ID Consults
Need a break from all-things COVID-19? Feeling OH-verwhelmed by OH-muh-kron? (I guess that’s how some pronounce it … or AWE-mee-kron… or oh-MIKE-ron … or who knows. Two things for sure — there’s no “n” after the “m”, and it’s a drag regardless of how it’s pronounced.) To cheer everyone up, here’s a palate cleanser of non-COVID-19 ID Learning Units […]
October 12th, 2021
A Few Thoughts on “Attending” Virtual Meetings
Once upon a time, long, long ago, before SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, many of us in academic medicine attended in-person scientific meetings that took place annually around the world. I was one such person — usually 2-3 times a year. My primary charge at each of these meetings was to assemble the best, or most interesting, or […]
October 1st, 2021
A Thank You to One of Our Best Patient-Teachers
Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital lost one of their best teachers this week. No, it wasn’t a distinguished professor or astute clinician. It was one of my long-term patients, who had given himself selflessly to teach dozens of medical students, residents, and (especially) ID fellows over the nearly 30 years I’d known him. Let’s […]
November 29th, 2020
Great Questions from Our Course, Infectious Diseases in Primary Care — Plus Bonus Podcast
Going to take a partial break from all things COVID-19 today and recap some of the terrific questions we received in our course, Infectious Diseases in Primary Care. Not surprisingly, there were plenty of COVID-19 questions but also the usual mix of practical queries from everyday practice. Front-line clinicians doing office-based practice attend this course, and every […]
August 4th, 2020
Carbapenems and Pseudomonas, Lyme and Syphilis Testing, a Bonus Point for Doxycycline, and Some Other ID Stuff We’ve Been Talking About on Rounds
As noted multiple times, many of us ID doctors attend on the general medical service. This offers us a chance to broaden our patient care activities and to work with medical students, interns, and residents. Boy, that’s fun! Yes, those of us who attend on medicine enjoy it enormously, though the experience humbles us on a daily […]
May 6th, 2020
Early Memories of Burton “Bud” Rose, Founder of UpToDate — and Medical Education Visionary
Let’s rewind the clock a bit — OK, a lot. Ancient history. It’s winter, 1986. An interview day for medical residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. A bunch of us nervous medical students sit in a conference room, wearing our interview suits, while Dr. Marshall Wolf tells us what to expect that day. Amazingly, Marshall knows all […]
February 9th, 2020
Should Medical Subspecialists Attend on the General Medical Service?
As I’ve written about many times on this site, one of the highlights of the year for me is when I attend on the medical service — something I’ve been doing pretty much forever. There’s a wonderful learning exchange that goes on, with my knowledge of ID being repaid in kind by the others on the […]
December 30th, 2019
Welcome to Mandatory Online Module Land!
(What follows is an attempt to derive some humor from those annual online “required learnings” assigned to us each year. Because if you’re in pain, you are not alone!) Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen! Allow me to welcome you to Mandatory Online Module Land — the fantasy theme park Health Professionals around the world can’t […]
December 8th, 2019
A Midyear Letter to First-year ID Fellows — With Sympathy, Gratitude, and Hope!
Dear First-Year ID Fellows: Right around now, some of you might be feeling a bit prickly. The workday is long, the supply of daylight dwindles daily, and the cold winds blow in from the north. While friends outside of medicine gear up for holiday time off, your plans might include some hospital coverage. Some of you […]