July 31st, 2016

Summertime Pre-Olympics ID Link-o-Rama

28188787890_1be3985223_oIf you’re wondering what to do between the end of the presidential conventions, the baseball trade deadline tomorrow, and the start of the Summer Olympics, here are a few ID/HIV related items to contemplate:

Hey, World Hepatitis Day was this past week (specifically, July 28). Do these “Diseases Awareness Days” (I made that term up) actually do anything? I can understand the motivation, but the cynic in me says that they are just preaching to the already aware. Maybe somebody has done a study of their usefulness?

Oh, and the day after was National Lasagna Day.

(Photo source: Library of Congress)

5 Responses to “Summertime Pre-Olympics ID Link-o-Rama”

  1. Anja Meurer says:

    Interesting that Fluorochinolones were called the “Cadillac” in the US. In Germany they were Mercedes.

  2. Joel Gallant says:

    Great blog! I was recently watching an old episode of the Wire. One of the little drug-dealer children goes to the hardware store to buy a nail gun (don’t ask why!). The salesman sells him the “Cadillac of nail guns.” The kid buys it and then tells his friend, “He should have said it was ‘the Lexus of nail guns,’ but I knew what he meant.”

  3. Nat Kuhn says:

    (a) perhaps given that Cadillacs seem to have fallen out of favor, quinolones are STILL the “Cadillac of Antibiotics”, though no longer the Mercedes;

    (b) what does it say about us that the first three comments on this post are all about this same silly point?

  4. Loretta S says:

    Wow, that proposed Massachusetts legislation was a *really* bad idea. Nothing like legislators practicing medicine…

HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

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Learn more about HIV and ID Observations.