June 6th, 2022

Still More Fun with Old Medical Images

Back in the Before Times, this site would occasionally dabble in lighter fare:


And, the subject of today’s post — Fun with Old Medical Images.

Here’s how it works: We display an old medical image — something with long-expired copyright protection to reassure my editors and keep me out of trouble. Then, through the magic of the internet, I give it a fresh caption and a brief commentary. It may or may not have an ID theme.

Surprised that something with the NEJM Group imprint would stray into such territory, you will then smile at the incongruity and maybe even laugh a little. All for the usual bargain price of this fine content.

(We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, and cryptocurrency. And, I’ve been told, your purchase is FSA-eligible for reimbursement.)

Off we go with #1 — always good to start with an ID one:

“And this here, Miss, is why I’m going to get my N95 mask.”

Could it be TB? It can always be TB. Better take precautions!

Now, for #2, a grim visitor — or is it?

“Didn’t you say you wanted a cup of sugar?”

Don’t judge a book by its cover — or more accurately, don’t prematurely judge a scary skeleton handling an hourglass as a portent of death. He’d heard you needed a kitchen staple and is just being neighborly!

There’s plenty of time to finish baking that cake before the scythe deals its final blow.

Let’s stay (roughly) with this time period — early 19th century, according to my crack research team — with #3:

“Thorsten, time to check again on that prior authorization for semaglutide.”

Ah, the travesties of insurance coverage and prior authorizations — a problem even in 19th-century England, I guess!

Please note the tried-and-true humor technique I used there, mixing the old image with a modern concern. Yes, it’s easy, but remember — these are Old Medical Images. And I’m not that old. Never saw this one in medical school, for example.

Let’s get fit with #4:

Gertrude didn’t consider it a full workout until she’d completed at least 30 minutes on the automated Exer-Master.

Well of course she didn’t consider it a full workout — that side-saddle mount looks mighty comfy, and the powerful Exer-Master® engine is doing most of the work! Get this person a Peloton! Then she’ll know the meaning of “exhaustion for those with disposable income.”

For #5, we’ll visit a commonly done test on inpatient medical services everywhere:

The medical team was pleased that the patient easily passed his swallowing study.

No mechanical soft solid diet for him! And don’t make the “have a frog in your throat?” joke — he’s sensitive about that.

Let’s finish with #6, a more modern, “hip” offering, hip in more ways than one:

A little golf. A little oil painting. Later — a slimmer figure!

Don’t take our word for it. Pony up your $3.88 for Item 56 F 5965inflatable sauna shorts — and you too can knock inches off your hips and belly!

Comes in a wide range of colors never before seen in nature.

That’s all for today, folks. If you’ve read this far, I hope you’ve enjoyed this latest installment of Fun with Old Medical Images. And, if not, we’ll be back with more grim pandemic news next time.


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HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

Biography | Disclosures | Summaries

Learn more about HIV and ID Observations.