September 30th, 2009

The Battle for Colonic Microflora

My two favorite newspapers (New York Times and Wall Street Journal — sorry, hometown paper) have just covered opposite ends of a topic on the edges of ID practice — namely, colonic micro-organisms.

Too few?

Too many?

Wrong type?

In the Times, a review of the probiotic debate:

Probiotics are live micro-organisms that work by restoring the balance of intestinal bacteria and raising resistance to harmful germs… So what health problems can probiotics really help? After gathering at a Yale workshop to review the available evidence, a panel of 12 experts concluded that there was strong evidence that several probiotic strains could reduce diarrhea, including that associated with antibiotic use. Several studies have also suggested that certain probiotics may be useful for irritable bowel syndrome.

I suspect the “experts” were gathered specifically because they had interest in this topic, and hence may be predisposed to a favorable review of the data.  Still, there might be something to it, and I’m  crazy about yogurt — full summary of their report here, which was published in 2008.

Far more fringey, however, is the whole “colon cleansing” craze, covered in the WSJ:

The typical American diet of processed foods, pharmaceuticals, stress and lack of exercise is clogging up our lower intestinal tracts, leaving them inflamed and lined with waste—and leaking toxins into the body that cause problems ranging from headaches and chronic fatigue to arthritis and cellulite. All that “stubborn fecal matter” also contributes to bulging bellies and expanding waistlines, cleansing proponents claim.

Eliminating the buildup, either with supplements or laxatives, or by flushing the colon with warm water—a practice known as “hydrotherapy” or “colonics”—can dramatically improve a person’s health and well-being, proponents claim …

Gastroenterologists pooh-pooh [I did not make that up!] many of these claims …

What follows is a very thoughtful review — and a clear debunking — of what seems to be a major form of quackery out there.  For example, here are the claims of one such service:

Colon cleansing benefits intestinal tract problems, absorption, bowel disease, constipation, digestive system, parasites, yeast infection. Helps control blood pressure, restores pH balance, restores proper digestion, reduces bad odors.  Colon cleansing also clears intestinal blockage, relieves bloating, helps purify blood, kills bad bacteria, viruses. These are just of few of the many benefits one can receive by cleaning the intestinal tract.

The problem, of course, is the scientific data backing up these claims are pretty much non-existent.  But hey, it’s just $25 for the “Oxygenated Colon Cleanser,” and $35 for the “Super-Oxygenated.”  FREE SHIPPING!

Ultimately, I think one of the gastroenterologists quoted in the WSJ piece really nails it here:

“There is a degree of obsession that goes along with this,” says Dr. Landzberg… Even “natural” laxatives, such as the plants senna and cascara, can harm the bowel, Dr. Landzberg says, adding, “The public has grown increasingly wary of the side effects of pharmaceuticals. I would like to see people bring that same degree of healthy skepticism to ‘natural’ products.”

Wise words indeed.

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HIV Information: Author Paul Sax, M.D.

Paul E. Sax, MD

Contributing Editor

NEJM Journal Watch
Infectious Diseases

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