Posts Tagged ‘lipid management’

January 22nd, 2014

SERIES: Making Sense of the New Prevention Guidelines — The View from Clinical Practice

A series of clinical vignettes involving decisions affected by the recently published prevention guidelines (JNC 8, ACC/AHA, ESC)

August 19th, 2013

Selections from Richard Lehman’s Literature Review: August 19th

This week’s topics include treating to risk, not to target; perceived job insecurity as a risk factor for incident CHD; ischemic preconditioning in patients undergoing CABG, and more.

March 23rd, 2011

Fibrate Prescriptions: A Tale Of Two Countries

During the past decade, fibrate use more than doubled in the U.S. but remained relatively stable in Canada, according to a study just published in JAMA. In January 2002, fibrate use was similar in the two countries: 336 prescriptions per 100,000 population in the U.S. versus 402 per 100,000 in Canada. By December 2009, the number […]

July 22nd, 2010

HDL and Residual Risk: A Surprising Finding in JUPITER

CardioExchange welcomes Dr. Paul Ridker to answer questions about his recent paper in the Lancet, which analyzed data from JUPITER and found that HDL may not predict residual risk in patients on high-dose statins who reach very low LDL levels such as those achieved in the treatment group in JUPITER. The findings may surprise some readers, though […]