
February 28th, 2013

The Mediterranean Diet in Clinical Practice: Three Experts Weigh In

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This week the New England Journal of Medicine published the PREDIMED study, a large randomized trial showing that a Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease (for study details, see CardioExchange’s news coverage.) Associate Editor John Ryan has asked three nutrition experts — Walter Willett, Arthur Agatston, and Alice Lichtenstein —  to comment on the study’s findings.

Will the PREDIMED findings have a big effect on practice?

Walter Willett, MD: I hope so. Many practitioners have not given enough emphasis to diet for prevention and management of cardiovascular disease.  It is good to keep in mind that the effect of this diet was comparable to that of statins, and there are many beneficial side effects compared with statins, which can cause diabetes, among other side effects.  Of course, the Mediterranean diet and statins are not mutually exclusive approaches.

Arthur Agatston, MD: I hope this trial will encourage physicians and the general public to embrace the principles of the Mediterranean diet. Prospective diet-intervention trials are naturally difficult to perform in the real world because subjects cannot be blinded to what they eat and confounding variables are common. In the PREDIMED study, the interventions were simple, making compliance practical and limiting the potential effect of confounders.

I believe that the totality of evidence has favored the Mediterranean diet for some time. Large observational studies, small interventional studies (e.g., Lyon Heart Study) and studies of individual elements of the Mediterranean diet such as olive oil, fish, nuts, fruits, and vegetables have been concordant in their positive results. The nutrient-rich and antioxidant content of the diet give it biologic plausibility.

Diets recommended to the general public should be based on principles that stand the test of time. That means relying on traditional diets not associated with the chronic diseases that are so common today in the Western world. High-fat Eskimo diets, medium-fat traditional Asian diets, and low-fat sub-Saharan diets were all marked by an absence of Western chronic disease among people who survived starvation, infection, or violent death and who lived to an age when today’s chronic diseases typically begin.

Unintended experiments — such as America’s low-fat, high-carbohydrate movement that ushered in low-fat, processed carbohydrate foods with no precedent in traditional diets — turned out to play an important role in today’s obesity and diabetes epidemics. It is just not feasible to perform trials of the efficacy of truly new diets, as they would have to last too long and blinding is impossible. The Mediterranean diet, which has stood the test of time, has the advantage of being palatable and, thus, being adopted as a lifestyle with sustained positive outcomes.

Alice Lichtenstein, DSc: This study, which focuses on dietary patterns and hard endpoints, has strong statistical power because of its number of subjects and length of follow-up. But it’s also important to consider that it was initially promoted to test the Mediterranean dietary pattern (MetDiet), plus either extra virgin olive oil or nuts, and a low-fat diet. However, all diets were what would currently be considered high-fat: 41% of energy from fat for the MetDiet plus extra virgin olive oil, 42% of energy from fat for the MetDiet plus nuts, and 37% of energy from fat for what turned out to be a habitual diet. The study confirms what we have known for more than a decade — namely, that the total fat content of the diet has little effect on cardiovascular outcomes and that the important variable is the type of fat. Dietary guidelines from the AHA, DHHS, and others have already shifted from endorsing low-fat diets to moderate-fat diets.

How does the trial change your views?

Walter Willett: It doesn’t change my views. I believe there was already sufficient evidence for the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Arthur Agatston: The early separation of events between the recipients of the Mediterranean interventions and the controls was impressive and consistent with findings from the secondary-prevention Lyon Heart Study. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet’s effects may be anti-inflammatory rather than just antiatherogenic. That possibility tends to make me more aggressive in recommending the diet for both short- and long-term benefits.

Alice Lichtenstein: In this study, extra virgin olive oil and nuts each had a similar, beneficial effect when integrated with a guideline-supported Mediterranean diet — which is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish (particularly oil fish), and legumes, and also limited in sugar-sweetened beverages, meat, and baked goods. Therefore, the study’s findings cannot be attributed to unique compounds in extra virgin olive oil per se. As the authors note, walnuts are rich polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Soybean oil, too, is high in PUFA and ALA. The other two nuts, hazelnuts and almonds, are high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), as is olive oil. We don’t know from this study whether other vegetable oils or foods rich in PUFAs or MUFAs, when integrated with a characteristically Mediterranean diet, would have had the same benefit. It is likely they would.

Should we recommend the Mediterranean diet to patients?

Walter Willett: Certainly. Moreover, we now know enough about the elements of the Mediterranean diet, including abundant fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and limited intakes of red meat and potatoes, that we can combine these in many ways with many flavors to create a variety of healthy meals.  This diet stands as the gold standard.  One of the real advantages of the Mediterranean diet is that it is enjoyable and offers great variety, so people are able to stay with it for many years, in contrast to most more restrictive diets.

Arthur Agatston: We should be recommending the Mediterranean diet because of its record of efficacy and excellent compliance, but I vary my particular approach across patient subgroups. For patients with an atherogenic lipid profile (high triglycerides, low HDL, small LDL particles, high insulin levels), I am very aggressive about fairly strict diet recommendations and consultation with a nutritionist. For patients with the apolipoprotein E 3/4 genotype, I insist more on avoiding saturated fat; for those with an apoE 2/3 genotype, I emphasize avoiding high-glycemic carbohydrates. Further progress in genomics and other advanced testing will enable us to refine our recommendations further.

Alice Lichtenstein: Given that the study participants did not gain weight, we can assume they were not supplementing their Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil or nuts but, rather, replacing an equivalent number of calories from other foods. Presumably, as part of the dietary intervention, the participants were counseled to substitute, rather than add, the extra virgin olive oil or nuts. It is important to note that any diet exceeding a person’s energy needs will result in weight gain. Hence, the results of this study do not provide license for people to start snacking on nuts — or adding nuts to salads, yogurt, and so on — without removing something with an equivalent number of calories from one’s diet. The same goes for extra virgin olive oil: If intake is increased, it should be at the expense of something with a similar number of calories, preferably a fat high in saturated fatty acids, such as meat and dairy fat.

Should this trial be replicated before full translation of the results?

Walter Willett: There is no need to wait. There are layers of evidence, including controlled feeding studies with metabolic outcomes and prospective epidemiologic studies, that support the benefit of this diet (e.g., Circulation 2009;119:1093-1100).  Of course, more research is needed to better understand the basis of the benefits, but we don’t need to defer the benefits in the meantime.

Arthur Agatston: Given the totality of evidence in favor of the Mediterranean diet and the problems with alternative diets, such as lack of evidence and/or poor compliance, it should be our diet of first choice for the general population at this time. Fine-tuning for subgroups, as I mentioned above, is appropriate. As we learn more from this trial and others, diet prescriptions will become more precise. For example, the subgroup with dyslipidemia seemed to do much better than the subgroup without dyslipidemia. Fortunately, no groups appeared to have been harmed.

February 27th, 2013

HPS2-THRIVE Coming Attraction: What Went Wrong with Niacin?

In less than two weeks, on March 9, the main results of the HPS2-THRIVE (Heart Protection Study 2-Treatment of HDL to Reduce the Incidence of Vascular Events) study will be presented in San Francisco at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology. The results have been eagerly awaited since Merck’s brief announcement in December that the trial had not met its primary endpoint and that it would no longer pursue approval of Tredaptive, the combination of extended-release niacin and laropiprant, in the U.S. The trial was designed to assess whether adding the niacin/laropiprant combination to standard statin therapy in high-risk patients would further reduce vascular events.

Now, serving almost as a coming attraction for the main event at the ACC meeting, an important substudy from HPS2-THRIVE has been published in the European Heart JournalThe paper discusses the trial design, the prespecified muscle and liver outcomes, and the reasons for stopping treatment during the trial.

The most important finding in the new paper is that, among the more than 25,000 participants in the study, more than a quarter of patients who were randomized to the niacin arm stopped their treatment, compared with only 16.6% who were randomized to placebo. The most common reasons for stopping treatment were skin-related (chiefly pruritus, rash, or flushing): 5.4% in the combination group versus 1.2% in the placebo group.

Gastrointestinal problems (mostly indigestion and diarrhea) were the second most common cause of treatment cessation: 3.9% versus 1.7%, respectively. Musculoskeletal problems occurred in 1.8% and 1.0%; the risk for myopathy was small but occurred more than four times as often in the combination group, a finding that baffled the investigators, as there is no proposed mechanism by which niacin could cause myopathy. Problems related to diabetes (0.9% vs. 0.4%) were the fourth most common cause of treatment cessation.

The trial investigators reported no difference in liver problems leading to discontinuation of drug treatment, but they did observe that more people in the combination group showed elevated liver-enzyme levels during routine follow-up visits. This increase, found mostly among study participants in China, was largely confined to patients who had muscle damage.

In an accompanying editorial, Ulf Landmesser writes about the failure of niacin within the larger setting of “the difficult search” to find a drug that can work together with statins to further lower vascular events.

February 26th, 2013

Mixed Results for Spironolactone in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction

Although the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists spironolactone and eplerenone have been shown to be beneficial in patients with heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (EF), their role in  HF patients with preserved EF has not been tested until now. Now the results of the Aldo-DHF study (Aldosterone Receptor Blockade in Diastolic Heart Failure), published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, demonstrate that although the treatment works as expected to improve diastolic function in this patient population, no clinical benefits were observed in association with these changes.

Patients (n=422) in Germany and Austria with NYHA class II or III HF with preserved left ventricular (LV) EF were randomized to spironolactone or placebo for one year.  Compared with placebo, spironolactone was associated with improvements in LV end-diastolic filling, LV remodeling, and neurohumoral activation. However, there were no significant differences in maximal exercise capacity or quality of life between the groups.

The investigators point out that similar findings occurred in studies of HF patients with reduced EF. Although the trials showed reductions in all-cause mortality and HF hospitalizations, there were no differences in exercise capacity or quality-of-life measurements. They also note that previous trials with other drug classes have not resulted in improvement in diastolic function. Thus, “spironolactone is the first drug to show an improvement in diastolic function among patients with HF with preserved EF in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.”

The authors speculate that their discordant results may be explained by “mild symptoms and only mildly dilated left atria as well as by the low prevalence of atrial fibrillation” among patients in their study. It is also possible that clinical benefits of spironolactone might have needed more than one year to become apparent.

Our study population may have been too young or too healthy, or the treatment period may have been too short, for observing a translation of improved diastolic function into a clinical benefit. The low event rate in the Aldo-DHF trial may indicate that the study population likely represented early-stage HF with preserved EF, and longer follow-up may have been needed to fully evaluate the potential effects of spironolactone on symptomatic or clinical outcome end points.

In an accompanying editorial, John Cleland and Pierpaolo Pellicori write that cardiac dysfunction of patients in the trial “may not have been severe enough to account for impaired exercise capacity, which could account for the lack of effect of spironolactone.” Cleland and Pellicori don’t think the results show that spironolactone lacks benefit in patients with preserved EF. “…absence of evidence cannot be construed as evidence of absence of an effect,” they write. However, the current lack of evidence for any clinical benefit in this population is still troubling: Although the trial provides important new information, it “is not particularly reassuring in terms of either the efficacy or safety of MRAs” in this patient population.

February 25th, 2013

Selections from Richard Lehman’s Literature Review: February 25th

CardioExchange is pleased to reprint selections from Dr. Richard Lehman’s weekly journal review blog at Selected summaries are relevant to our audience, but we encourage members to engage with the entire blog.

NEJM   21 Feb 2013  Vol 368

Apixaban for Extended Treatment of VTE (pg. 368): These are stirring times in the wars of the fixed-dose oral clotbusters: drug companies are finally discovering if they have billion-dollar earners on their hands, or turkeys. Apixaban, a drug made by both Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb, has had mixed fortunes so far, and is beginning to look rather like a large flavourless bird with a bib and a waddling gait. But all is not lost: turkey owners should take courage from Bernard Matthews and invent new ways of selling it. In this trial, Pfizer and BMS find a place where warfarin doesn’t already provide stiff competition and there is clinical equipoise. These are patients who have had unprovoked deep vein thrombosis and have completed their initial course of anticoagulation. The placebo arm shows a recurrence rate in this group of 8.8% in the first year; while those taking either 2.5mg or 5mg of apixaban twice daily had a recurrence rate of 1.7% and fewer bleeding events. So this is win-win-win: a reduction in VTE and bleeding and a lower than standard dose. Bootiful. But why no warfarin arm? Turkey is generally better than nothing, but is it generally better than chicken?

Extended Use of Dabigatran, Warfarin, or Placebo in VTE (pg. 709): And now to the competitor drug dabigatran, which is also beginning to show some signs of being a flightless bird. Boehringer Ingelheim, its manufacturer, again selected patients requiring long-term prophylaxis against recurrent venous thromboembolism for this trial, but very properly included a warfarin arm. Now the main emerging worry with dabigatran is that it increases coronary events, as well as bleeding events, for which there is no antidote. In this trial, there were 13 acute coronary events in the dabigatran group and 3 in the matched warfarin group. But in the warfarin group there were more bleeding events (treatable with vitamin K). In both the active groups there was a tenfold reduction of thromboembolism compared with placebo. So where does this take us? Certainly not straight on to a world without warfarin and INR testing. The big flaw in this trial was that it recruited from 33 countries with variable levels of INR control, such that the warfarin group were outside the target range for more than a third of the time. In all warfarin-comparator trials, this is the most important statistic. As a result, this trial strongly suggests that in a properly monitored population with VTE, warfarin is a safer drug than dabigatran, certainly in terms of cardiac events and possibly even for treatable bleeding.

Lancet  23 Feb 2013  Vol 381

Here is an issue of the Lancet which makes me think that all interventional cardiologists should have their equipment confiscated and be sent to a re-education camp called COURAGE, where they will have to parade at dawn and recite the entire contents of that key paper until they can do it without hesitation, repetition, or deviation. Release will be on condition that they never carry out any invasive procedure on a patient with stable angina without first ensuring that they are on optimal medical treatment. Any infringement will be followed by permanent detention in the notorious punishment block of the COURAGE camp.

CABG vs. PCI in patients with Three-Vessel Disease and Left Main Coronary Disease: 5-year follow-up of SYNTAX (pg. 629): The SYNTAX trial was set up long before COURAGE, when everyone assumed that if there is a narrowing in a coronary artery, the best outcomes must follow from unblocking or bypassing it. So in 85 centres across the US and Europe, 1800 patients with stable three-vessel disease were randomised to insertion of paclitaxel-eluting stents or coronary artery bypass grafting. Here are the five year results of the SYNTAX trial, reported as if COURAGE had never happened. “CABG should remain the standard of care for patients with complex lesions (high or intermediate SYNTAX scores). For patients with less complex disease (low SYNTAX scores) or left main coronary disease (low or intermediate SYNTAX scores), PCI is an acceptable alternative. All patients with complex multivessel coronary artery disease should be reviewed and discussed by both a cardiac surgeon and interventional cardiologist to reach consensus on optimum treatment.” No. no, no! Patients with stable angina of whatever cause should run a mile from all cardiac surgeons and interventional cardiologists, easing off a bit and taking GTN if they get any chest pain.

Development and Validation of SYNTAX Score II (pg. 639): There was a character called Dr Syntax who appeared in a series of comic novels from 1809 onwards, in which he stumbled pedantically through life insisting on the rules of grammar and little else. Perhaps he is the inspiration for this paper on the development and validation of the SYNTAX II score which looks at complex anatomical predictors of outcome from CABG versus stenting for stable angina, ignoring the fact that most patients will get the same outcomes from optimal drug therapy. Get real, SYNTAX doctors. Note that both these studies were paid for by Boston Scientific, which has an interest in selling TAXUSTM  stents.

COMPARE II: Abluminal Biodegradable Polymer Biolimus-Eluting Stent vs. Durable Polymer Everolimus-Eluting Stent (pg. 651): And so the Stent Wars go rumbling on, in trials which continue to recruit large numbers of patients with stable angina (1611 of them in this trial alone) selected for PCI for reasons which are not apparent in the text. This time it’s a biodegradable polymer-coated biolimus-eluting stent with a thin-strut everolimus-eluting stent coated with a durable biocompatible polymer. Like you care. These studies should really be hived off into a trade journal of some sort.

SORT OUT V: (pg. 661): Next article in Selling Stents, aka the Lancet: “Biolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer-coated stent versus durable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent in unselected patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention.” Worth a year’s subscription just to read it.

BMJ  23 Feb 2013  Vol 346

Efficacy and Safety of Dual Blockade of the Renin-Angiotensin System: When I learnt about the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in medical school 40 years ago, it was presented more as a physiological curiosity rather than a fundamental mechanism working with great rapidity to stabilise volume and electrolyte balance in most higher vertebrates. Then came the angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors in the 1980s, followed by the angiotensin receptor blockers of the 1990s. Dual blockade of the RAAS became fashionable in both complicated hypertension and heart failure, until hard evidence started trickling in to show its harms and lack of effect. Even now, combining ACEIs and ARBs is written in to some guidelines and is widely practised in Europe and the USA. This meta-analysis adds in the direct renin blockers too. The ratio of harm to benefit of these combinations is almost always adverse—just don’t mix these drugs.

Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Embolism: How big is a piece of clot? A clottish question if ever there was, but one you need to answer if you are to have a useful discussion of pulmonary embolism. Our lungs are sieves for all sorts of debris: it is a part of their function, though largely unsung. Most of it does little harm, but big clots are bad news: “Pulmonary embolism is the most common cause of vascular death after myocardial infarction and stroke, and the leading preventable cause of death in hospital patients.” Here’s a really good review of the diagnosis and management of PE.

February 25th, 2013

Large Trial Shows Cardiovascular Benefits of Mediterranean Diet

A large new trial offers powerful evidence that a Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease. Results of the PREDIMED (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) study were published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Investigators in Spain randomized 7447 people at high risk for cardiovascular disease to one of three diets: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts, or a control diet for which people were advised to lower their intake of dietary fat. The diets were designed not to restrict calories but to change the composition of the diet.

The trial was stopped early in July 2011 by the data and safety monitoring board when the benefits in the Mediterranean diet groups crossed a predetermined boundary. After 4.8 years of follow-up a primary endpoint event (the composite of MI, stroke, and death from CV causes) occurred in 3.8% of patients in the Mediterranean diet extra-virgin olive oil group, 3.4% in the Mediterranean diet with nuts group, and 4.4% of patients in the control group. After adjusting for small differences among the groups, the hazard ratios for the two Mediterranean diet groups were 0.70 (95% CI, 0.54-0.92) and 0.72 (95% CI, 0.54-0.96). The benefit in favor of the Mediterranean diet groups occurred early in the trial and continued throughout the follow-up period. The results were consistent across a broad range of subgroups.

Given that the results appear consistent with those from previous smaller trials and observational studies, the authors said that “a causal role of the Mediterranean diet in cardiovascular prevention has high biologic plausibility. The results of our trial might explain, in part, the lower cardiovascular mortality in Mediterranean countries than in northern European countries of the United States.”

The authors said the benefits of the Mediterranean diet may be explained by several different factors, including moderate alcohol consumption, low consumption of meat, and high consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish, and olive oil.

“Perhaps there is a synergy among the nutrient-rich foods included in the Mediterranean diet that fosters favorable changes in intermediate pathways of cardiometabolic risk, such as blood lipids, insulin sensitivity, resistance to oxidation, inflammation, and vasoreactivity.”

One limitation, acknowledged by the authors, is that the reduction in total fat intake in the control group was small. In addition, although people in the Mediterranean diet groups ate more fish and legumes, they did not substantially alter other aspects of their diet. The authors speculated that the consumption of the recommended olive oil and nuts, which were distributed for free to patients in the Mediterranean diet groups, may have been “responsible for most of the observed benefits of the Mediterranean diets.”

One PREDIMED investigator, Emilio Ros, told CardioExchange that he believes the results of the trial mean that current recommendations regarding dietary fat should be changed to reflect that a “high fat, high vegetable fat diet is optimal for cardiovascular health.” Another study investigator, Ramón Estruch, said that “a major problem with low-fat diets is their low potential for long-term sustainability.” He said that the results clearly demonstrate “the superiority of the Mediterranean diets.”

February 22nd, 2013

Persistent Chest Pain After Myopericarditis

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For our latest case, we are trying something new. We asked five esteemed clinicians for their differing perspectives on a challenging condition. Enjoy the discussion – and please let us know what you think.

A 35-year-old previously healthy physician with no risk factors for ischemic heart disease presented 4 months ago with symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, followed by severe chest pain. He was diagnosed with myopericarditis. His erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein level were within their reference ranges. An electrocardiogram revealed ST-segment elevations in the inferior and lateral leads. The patient’s troponin I level peaked at 30 ng/mL and then trended down to the normal range. MRI on presentation showed a patchy, subepicardial pattern of atypical late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) in the mid to apical lateral wall and the inferior wall. The left-ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was normal.

Four months later the patient returns reporting a chest-pain level of 2 out of 10. The pain is intermittent (once or twice daily) and pleuritic; it occurs during both rest and activity (no correlation). The patient has been taking ibuprofen 800 mg three times daily for the past month after two attempts to wean, as well as colchicine 0.6 mg twice daily for the past 3 months. His pain increases whenever he stops the ibuprofen. An echocardiogram documents an LVEF of 65% with no wall-motion abnormalities. Repeat MRI shows resolution of LGE in the inferior wall, and no evidence of pericarditis or pericardial enhancement was appreciated. Text from the MRI report appears below:

Impression: 1. Compared to prior exam from four months ago there has been interval improvement in the extent of myocarditis. No regions of elevated signal intensity were seen in the T2-weighted edema imaging to suggest acute myocarditis. Patchy, subepicardial pattern of atypical LGE is again noted in the mid to apical lateral wall. However, it has decreased in both intensity and extent since the prior study. The atypical LGE in the inferior wall is no longer present. LGE of the pericardium is not appreciated.

However, the study was reviewed by an independent outside reader who reported: “There is evidence of pericarditis with pericardial enhancement. There are no images to look for edema. The wall motion, chamber size, and EF are normal. There is one small area of myocardial enhancement.” The patient is concerned about persistent pain and wonders about therapeutic options.

Questions for Our Esteemed Clinicians — and Their Answers

1. What management approach would you recommend for this patient? Why?

James Fang, MD: Pericarditis is generally idiopathic (e.g., viral) in etiology, but when it becomes recurrent, it is important to exclude other systemic conditions such as lupus, tuberculosis, etc. Such an evaluation should take place before entertaining corticosteroid therapy for this patient. One should also be careful to recognize recurrent pericarditis as a condition associated with pain, not merely an effusion or an abnormal electrocardiogram. Interestingly, the case is described as myopericarditis rather than perimyocarditis. I would favor perimyocarditis, as it is likely that the persistent pericardial disease, rather than myocardial disease, is causing the patient’s symptoms to persist. The case is unlikely to be due to myocardial ischemia, although it can never be completely discounted in a middle-aged man.

James de Lemos, MD: This is a tough one — my initial inclination is to run the other way! We have a physician patient with a recalcitrant problem and no easy “next steps.” Fortunately, the myocarditis component seems to have almost completely resolved, but his symptoms persist and he cannot be weaned from high-dose NSAID therapy. I don’t see the need for additional testing, but I am aware of no good “evidence-based” treatments. The options include continued therapy with colchicine and NSAIDs, systemic corticosteroids, local (intrapericardial) administration of corticosteroids, or immunosuppressive therapy. Unfortunately, each of these approaches comes with safety concerns.

Kanu Chatterjee, MD: I have seen a number of patients like this one. They had myopericarditis, as troponin was elevated, and there was also evidence for pericarditis (pericardial friction rub, pericardial effusion). The patient in this case has now developed “recurrent pericarditis syndrome.” This syndrome is characterized by recurrent pericardial pain. During recurrence, pericardial rub or pericardial effusion may or may not be present. It is of interest that this patient’s erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein level remain normal. One should start colchicine, 0.6­­–1.2 mg daily, for about a year. This patient is already taking an adequate dose of colchicine.

Thomas Ryan, MD: This is quite consistent with my experience over the years, largely college students with viral pericarditis, a fair percentage with recurrent and refractory chest pain. Dave Spodick, who was here in Boston before going to Worcester, introduced me to colchicine when he first discovered its usefulness. Fortunately, not much has changed in approaching the management of these patients, even with all the cardiac magnetic resonance and slicker imaging techniques we have today.

I would use colchicine 0.6 mg twice daily for about 3 months, and if the patient develops signs of chest pain while on that, I would give ibuprofen 800 mg three times daily for about 2 weeks and then taper that down. If he broke through and had pain while tapering, I would start with corticosteroids, about 40 mg of prednisone. I would give that for 2 weeks before I reduced it to 30 mg for 2 weeks and then 20 mg for 2 weeks. Then at 20 mg, I would reduce it by 1 mg every 2 weeks.

Be careful: If he breaks through twice during the steroid weaning, he will break through a third time. If that happens, I would use pericardial stripping, as recently published Mayo data support. In these patients, in whom medical management has failed, pericardial stripping was found to be safe and effective in relieving symptoms, with minimal complications.

Rick A. Nishimura, MD:  This patient probably has a residual “chronic relapsing pericarditis.” Management involves either a high-dose nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or a high-dose salicylate, in addition to the colchicine. In this particular case, the NSAID appears to be ineffective, so a high-dose salicylate (650–1300 mg) should be given every four hours. Checking that the salicylate level is adequate (10–20 mg/dL) will help to calibrate the dosage. After complete relief of symptoms, the salicylates should be tapered very slowly over several months, with the colchicine maintained for at least 3 months after symptoms cease.

2. Would you offer corticosteroid therapy? Would you offer other immunosuppressive therapy?

James Fang: The patient appears to have had a reasonable trial of both NSAID therapy and colchicine. At this point, corticosteroid therapy can reasonably be offered, but weaning can take a long time often must be done very slowly. Other immunosuppressive therapies (e.g., aziothioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine) have been used, but their risks are probably greater than those from corticosteroids in most patients; therefore, they should be reserved for patients who do not tolerate corticosteroids. In rare instances, direct intrapericardial injection of corticosteroids or pericardiectomy is warranted.

James de Lemos: I would offer a trial of intrapericardial administration of corticosteroids — if I could talk one of our interventionalists or electrophysiologists into doing it! Interestingly, our electrophysiologists do several procedures in which they enter a pericardium without an effusion and now have more experience with it than our interventionalists do. I would try to avoid systemic corticosteroids, as weaning a pericarditis patient from them is difficult. I would avoid immunosuppressive therapy at this point, as the patient has no heart failure and the myocarditis has improved.

Kanu Chatterjee: It is better to avoid corticosteroids, as the recurrence rate is quite high (about 30% to 50%). To control inflammation, ibuprofen is preferable, initially 1200–1600 mg/day, with the dose tapered slowly each week. Rather than ibuprofen, one may use indomethacin or, instead, aspirin 325–600 mg/day. The doses should be tapered quickly. Corticosteroid therapy should be considered as a last resort. Other immunosuppressive therapy such as melphalan has been used without any benefit. Pericardiectomy has been done to prevent recurrence, but the results have been disappointing.

Thomas Ryan: I would offer corticosteroid therapy. All the scanning that these patients undergo (with cardiac magnetic resonance of one kind and another) does not seem to prevent the breakthrough. You give the steroid wean two good tries, and if the patient breaks though again, there is no point in trying a third time and you consider stripping.

Rick A. Nishimura: I would be very reluctant to offer corticosteroid therapy. It has been shown that patients with acute pericarditis who receive steroids tend to have multiple relapses when weaned off them. Thus, if at all possible, steroid therapy should be avoided. One could consider immunosuppressive therapy if this were giant-cell myocarditis, which would respond to such therapy; however, the patient’s clinical presentation does not suggest that. An agent used to treat autoimmune disorders, such as an interleukin-1 blocker, might be considered, but this would be on an investigational basis. If all of those treatments fail, complete pericardiectomy would be effective.

3. How would you counsel this patient about his prognosis?

James Fang: The overall prognosis is generally good, and progression to large effusions, tamponade, and/or constriction is relatively uncommon. Chronic pain is a possibility, though also uncommon, but can wax and wane over time. Careful attention to corticosteroid therapy and appropriate weaning usually resolves the issue.

James de Lemos: I would tell him that his prognosis is good with respect to survival and “major events,” but I would be honest that I can’t promise that medications will take his pain away completely. I would also tell him that pericardiectomy could be considered as a last resort but that I hope we would not get to that point.

Kanu Chatterjee: The prognosis of patients with recurrent pericarditis is excellent. The patient in this case should be assured that his prognosis is very good. However, given the evidence of myocarditis, he should be followed for arrhythmias. There have been rare reports of sudden cardiac death in patients with myocarditis. This patient’s MRI suggests resolving myocarditis. He should be told that symptom recurrence is certain, initially frequent with gradual lessening. Upon recurrence, ibuprofen should be restarted. Colchicine should be continued.

Thomas Ryan: I would simply tell him, “Don’t sweat it. If you break through after the steroid wean, we can always go through a stripping, and the statistics are really favorable. You just have to be patient.”

Rick A. Nishimura: Overall, this patient should have an excellent prognosis. His ventricular function is normal following his myocarditis. The major limiting problem would be a “relapse” of the pericarditis, which occurs in 30% to 50% of patients.

Now share your response to this nuanced case. 

February 22nd, 2013

SYNTAX After 5 Years: Any Change in Results (or Your Practice)?


The 5 year results of the SYNTAX (SYNergy between percutaneous coronary intervention with TAXus and cardiac surgery) trial are now published.  SYNTAX assessed the optimal revascularization strategy for patients with left main and/or 3-vessel disease by randomly assigning such patients to CABG or PCI (with a first-generation paclitaxel-eluting stent) and then determining the rate of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE, defined as all-cause mortality, stroke, myocardial infarction, and repeat revascularization).

The 5 year follow-up data confirm the 1 year and 3 year results.  The “bottom line” conclusions are:

1) CABG should remain the standard of care for patients with complex lesions (i.e., SYNTAX scores that are intermediate [score, 23-32) or high [score, 33].

2) For patients with 3-vessel disease considered to be less complex (i.e., a SYNTAX score < 22) or left main disease with a SYNTAX score considered to have a low or intermediate score (i.e.,  < 32), PCI is an acceptable alternative.

3) All the data from patients with complex multivessel CAD should be reviewed and discussed by a cardiac surgeon and an interventional cardiologist, after which consensus on optimal treatment can be reached.

The fine points…

1) In patients with a high SYNTAX score (> 33), the CABG group had lower mortality than the PCI group.

2) In subjects with an intermediate SYNTAX score (23-32), mortality rates were similar in the 2 treatment groups, but MACCE was higher with PCI than CABG (due to increased rates of MI and repeat revascularization).

3) In patients with low (0-22) SYNTAX scores, MACCE rates did not differ between CABG and PCI.

4) About two-thirds of those with complex CAD are best treated with CABG.

SYNTAX II….the nomogram that may bring you to tears….

Vasim Farooq and colleagues describe the SYNTAX score II, which quantifies the risks and probable outcomes of CABG or PCI in individual subjects by combining the purely anatomical SYNTAX score with clinical variables.  The SYNTAX II score — based on 2 anatomical variables (SYNTAX score and presence of left main disease) and 6 clinical variables (age, gender, creatinine clearance, LV ejection fraction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and peripheral vascular disease) — provides a more accurate prediction of early and long-term outcomes with PCI or CABG than the SYNTAX score….unless you are “nomographically  challenged” (to see what I’m talking about, look at the nomogram shown in Figure 4).


Okay, let’s be honest….

1.      In your hospital, in what percentage of patients with left main or 3 vessel CAD are all the data systematically reviewed and discussed by a “Heart Team”?

2.      Do you calculate SYNTAX on all patients with left main or 3 vessel disease, or do you usually just “guestimate” lesion complexity?

February 21st, 2013

Study Casts Doubt on Value of Genetic Testing for Familial Hypercholesterolemia

The recent introduction of two drugs specifically targeted to treat people with the rare but dangerous condition of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) has caused increased interest in figuring out the best strategy to identify people with the disorder. Now a new study published online in the Lancet suggests that one of the main screening plans that relies on genetic tests will fail to identify a substantial portion of FH patients, both homozygous and heterozygous.

Investigators from the U.K. and Belgium analyzed DNA from several cohorts of FH and non-FH patients. Their chief finding was that a large percentage of FH patients did not have one of the single genetic mutations known to cause FH. Instead, these “polygenic” patients were found to have variants in multiple genes, each of which had a small LDL-raising effect that, when combined, resulted in LDL levels similar to those in people with known FH mutations.

A second major finding was that other genes may play an important contributing role in determining LDL levels even in monogenic FH patients. This finding may partly account for the common finding that affected relatives of monogenic FH patients often have less severe forms of FH.

The authors propose that “patients with a familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype and no such mutations could be given the clinical diagnosis of polygenic hypercholesterolemia, and not familial hypercholesterolemia.” This distinction would not have a big impact on treatment, because both groups would require lipid-lowering therapy, according to the authors.

But the distinction would have important implications for FH screening. “Cascade” screening, in which DNA tests are recommended for all relatives of patients with a clinical diagnosis of FH, should only be performed on the monogenic patients, they maintain.

In a Lancet press release, lead researcher Steve Humphries said:

“Cascade [family] testing of the roughly 40% of patients with a clinical diagnosis of FH and an identifiable causative mutation would eliminate staff and screening costs associated with screening relatives of the remaining 60% of patients without an identifiable mutation. This is very likely to be more cost-effective, but proving this will require a more detailed analysis.”

In an accompanying comment,  Evan Stein and Frederick Raal write:

“…all people, irrespective of age, with raised LDL-C concentrations in whom no secondary cause can be identified, especially if they have a family history of premature coronary artery disease, should be treated as presumptive FH according to clinical criteria. To add the complexity of SNP analysis for minor genes and eliminate cascade LDL-C and clinical testing of relatives of patients with polygenic FH does not appear warranted and could even be diversionary.”

One cholesterol expert, who did not wish to be identified, offered the following comment: 

“The take home is that genetic screening is not a panacea and that screening based on fasting lipids makes most sense. Indeed, I never understood genetic screening for this disease anyway, since the phenotype (hypercholesterolemia) is what kills people, not the genotype, the phenotype is readily available with a blood test, the disease is not immediately fatal (it takes years to develop), and treatment is based on the numbers. It is like asking for a gene test for sickle cell anemia. You can look at blood and make the diagnosis.”


February 20th, 2013

New Studies Examine Prolonged Anticoagulation for VTE Recurrence

Three studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine provide important new information about the risks and benefits of extended prophylaxis using two of the new oral anticoagulants in patients who have had venous thromboembolism (VTE).

In the RE-MEDY and the RE-SONATE trials, the role of dabigatran was examined in patients who had completed at least 3 months of initial VTE therapy. In RE-MEDY, the active-control study, 2,866 patients felt to be at increased risk for recurrent VTE were randomized to warfarin or dabigatran. In RE-SONATE, the placebo-control study, 1,353 patients were randomized to either dabigatran or placebo. In both studies, dabigatran was effective at preventing recurrent VTE. Compared with warfarin, dabigatran treatment resulted in fewer major or clinically relevant bleeding episodes. Compared with placebo, dabigatran resulted in more bleeding episodes.

Recurrent VTE:

  • 1.8% for dabigatran versus 1.3% for warfarin, HR 1.44 (0.78-2.64)
  • 0.4% for dabigatran versus 5.6% for placebo, HR 0.08 (0.02-0.25)

Major or clinically relevant bleeding:

  • 5.6% for dabigatran versus 10.2% for warfarin, HR 0.54 (0.41-0.71)
  • 5.3% for dabigatran versus 1.8% for placebo, HR 2.92 (1.52-5.60)

In AMPLIFY-EXT (previously published online), 2,486 VTE patients were randomized to either placebo or apixaban (2.5 or 5 mg twice daily) for an additional 12 months after completing an initial standard anticoagulation regimen for 6-12 months. At both doses, apixaban treatment was associated with a large reduction in clinical events and no increase in major bleeding events.

Recurrent VTE:

  • 1.7% for low-dose apixaban versus 1.7% for high-dose apixaban versus 8.8% for placebo, RR 0.19 (0.11-0.33) for low-dose apixaban and 0.20 (0.11-0.34) for high-dose apixaban

Major or clinically relevant bleeding:

  • 3.2% for low-dose apixaban versus 4.3% for high-dose apixaban versus 2.7% for placebo, RR 1. 20 (0.69-2.10) for low-dose placebo and 1.62 (0.96-2.73) for high-dose apixaban

In an accompanying editorial, Jean Connors writes that “deciding how to balance the risks and benefits of extended anticoagulation is difficult” in patients with unprovoked VTE, since the risk of recurrent VTE may reach 40% at 5 years. Patients at low-to-moderate risk of recurrence may benefit from aspirin, which “may be safer than the newer agents,” though “it appears to have less efficacy in reducing recurrent events.” For patients at higher risk, “the new targeted anticoagulants are attractive alternatives to warfarin. The finding that a low prophylactic dose of apixaban has the same efficacy as the full therapeutic dose, with no increased risk of major bleeding, may tip the risk-to-benefit ratio in favor of extended treatment for this patient population. The wide therapeutic window of this agent enables use of a lower dose that retains great efficacy with no or only a minimal increase in bleeding.”

February 20th, 2013

Small Study Explores Expanded Use for TAVI in Native Valve Aortic Regurgitation

As transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) gains increasing acceptance, cardiologists and surgeons are exploring additional patient populations who may benefit from the procedure. A new paper in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology provides the first look at the use of TAVI in the small but important group of patients with pure, severe native aortic valve regurgitation (NAVR) who do not have aortic stenosis.

David Roy and colleagues report on their experience with 43 NAVR patients deemed ineligible for surgery who underwent TAVI with the CoreValve (Medtronic) device at 14 centers in Europe and Israel. The high risk group had a mean age of 75, and many patients had severe comorbidities. Three-fifths of the group had degeneration of the aortic valve leaflets. The device was implanted in all but one of the patients, though 8 patients required a second valve during the procedure. One patient converted to open surgery. In 35 cases the device was implanted via transfemoral access; the remaining cases were performed via subclavian access (4), direct aortic access (3), and carotid access (1).

After the procedure 34 patients had aortic regurgitation of grade I or lower. Seven patients required a new permanent pacemaker. The VARC (Valve Academic Research Consortium) procedure success rate was 74.4%. Three out of four patients with aneurysm of the ascending aorta died within 6 months of treatment, suggesting, wrote the authors, that “TAVI is unlikely to alter the prognosis of these patients and that aneurysmal dilation should be considered a contraindication to TAVI in patients with NAVR.”

All-cause mortality was 9.3% at 30 days and 21.4% at 1 year. There were two major strokes and 8 cases of major bleeding.

The authors acknowledge that TAVI will likely be used sparingly in the NAVR population:

…although these results are encouraging for those patients who are truly ineligible for surgery, surgical valve replacement remains the gold standard for those who can undergo it, even at high risk. Furthermore, there is an increasing number of patients in whom the native aortic valve can be preserved during surgery.