Archive for July, 2010

July 19th, 2010

Esophageal manometry: Time to teach old dogs new tricks!

I have been doing manometry for a long time and felt there really wasn’t much more to learn or see related to this field. That is until we got a high-resolution system. Now I realize I wasn’t seeing as much as I thought I was with the old perfusion systems and the physiology is incredible […]

July 12th, 2010

I’m back! So how do you treat eosinophilic esophagitis?

Eosinophilic esophagitis has been around for a long time but we only recently have recognized it and begun to try and treat it. My dilemma has been how and for how long should I treat this patient. Part of the decision difficulty lies in the extreme variation of clinical presentation that I see in this […]

Gastroenterology Research: Author M. Brian Fennerty, M.D.

M. Brian Fennerty, MD


NEJM Journal Watch Gastroenterology

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