Posts Tagged ‘HRS 2013’

May 14th, 2013

Presenting at HRS — Benefits Before the Session, During, and Afterwards

This is why we hold conferences — to share in the value of research and to promote enthusiasm to continue with new endeavors.

May 13th, 2013

Things I found at HRS 2013: Education, Science, Friends, and Mentors

Looking back at the knowledge gained and friendships kindled at HRS 2013, this Fellow looks forward to HRS 2014.

May 13th, 2013

Blogging at HRS 2013: From The FIT Lounge, Insights From Douglas Zipes About Publishing

I finally managed to walk to the Fellows in Training lounge, hoping to connect with some co-fellows. I did find lot of fellows, but to my surprise Dr. Zipes was there and ready to answer burning questions about getting published.

May 10th, 2013

Blogging at HRS 2013: Great Takeaways on Day 2

HRS yields useful insights, both personal and professional.

May 10th, 2013

Blogging from HRS 2013: Excitement at the Convention Center and Outside

An emotion-raising debate, a late-breaker session, and technological innovations focus this fellow, despite Denver’s many attractions.

May 9th, 2013

Blogging from HRS 2013: VT/VF Summit, and Bill Clinton Too!

A fellow experiences one exceptional presentation after another at the first day of HRS 2013.