November 19th, 2012
Comprehensive Guidelines for Stable Ischemic Heart Disease Released
Larry Husten, PHD
New comprehensive guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of stable ischemic heart disease have been released by the ACCF/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines.
September 11th, 2012
Updated Rhythm Device Guidelines Clarify and Expand CRT Criteria
Larry Husten, PHD
A newly released update of 2008 guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac arrhythmias contains some much-needed clarification about indications for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The document was developed jointly by the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and the Heart Rhythm Society. Highlights of the documents include: The Class 1 recommendation for CRT for patients with […]
August 13th, 2012
Universal Screening for Dyslipidemia in Children: A Debate with Equipoise, but Tarnished by Industry Influence
William O Roberts, MD, MS
James H. Stein, MD sounds a clarion about the influence of the medical industry on the debate over whether children should be universally screened for dyslipidemia, as recommended by recent guidelines.
August 13th, 2012
Industry PR Efforts Influence Debate On Cholesterol Screening Guidelines For Children
Larry Husten, PHD
Should a public relations agency that represents a company with a product that would be affected by a guideline offer journalists a chance to interview an expert who has views that might benefit the company?
August 9th, 2012
Overview of the New HRS/ACCF Pacemaker Guidelines
Edward J. Schloss, MD
A pithy primer on the 2012 supplement to the 2008 guidelines
January 19th, 2012
Are We Ready to Stop Treating Cholesterol Levels and Start Treating Risk?
Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM
With the advent of ATPIV, should we stick with determining treatment based on LDL levels or is time for a new paradigm based on a more nuanced understanding of risk?
December 19th, 2011
Should All Children Age 9 to 11 Undergo Cholesterol Screening?
Bruce M Psaty, MD, PhD, Justin P Zachariah, MD MPH and Sarah D. De Ferranti, MD, MPH
The NHLBI (with the endorsement of the American Academy of Pediatrics) has issued new guidelines for cholesterol testing in children. It recommends that all children age 9 to 11 should undergo cholesterol screening and that screening should be repeated at ages 17 and 21. We asked a small panel of experts to review the new guidelines and […]
November 12th, 2011
Controversy Over Cholesterol Testing for Children
Larry Husten, PHD
New guidelines from the NHLBI and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that all children age 9 to 11 should undergo cholesterol screening. Screening should then be repeated at 17 and 21 years of age. The new guidelines are scheduled to be officially introduced by panel member Patrick McBride at the AHA in Orlando on Sunday. “Previous […]
November 7th, 2011
ACC and AHA Release New PCI and CABG Guidelines
Larry Husten, PHD
The AHA and the ACC have released updated 2011 guidelines for PCI and CABG. The guidelines are available online on the JACC website (here and here) and on the Circulation website. The new guidelines include for the first time a strong recommendation that hospitals adopt a “heart team” approach in choosing a treatment strategy for patients with coronary […]
November 4th, 2011
AHA and ACC Update Secondary Prevention Guidelines
Larry Husten, PHD
The AHA and ACC have released an update of their guidelines for secondary prevention in patients with heart disease. The guidelines are available in Circulation and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The updated guidelines place a new emphasis on cardiac rehabilitation for patients who have had an MI or CABG. They also stress the importance of diagnosing and […]