Posts Tagged ‘combination therapy’

June 9th, 2014

Selections from Richard Lehman’s Literature Review: June 9th

This week’s topics include the CORONARY trial, the association of azithromycin with mortality and CV events among older patients hospitalized with pneumonia, and more.

October 7th, 2011

FDA Approves Juvisync, Combination of Sitagliptin and Simvastatin

The FDA has approved a fixed-dose combination tablet consisting of sitagliptin and simvastatin, two drugs previously approved for type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Merck will market the new drug as Juvisync. “This is the first product to combine a type 2 diabetes drug with a cholesterol lowering drug in one tablet,” said Mary H. Parks, the […]

January 14th, 2011

Combination Therapy Beats Single Therapy As Initial Antihypertensive Therapy

In the ACCELERATE (Aliskiren and the calcium channel blocker amlopdipine combination as an initial treatment strategy for hypertension control) trial, more than 1200 patients with early essential hypertension were randomized to either aliskiren, amlodipine, or the combination of the two drugs for 4 months. The results, which have been published online in the Lancet, showed […]