Allan Brett, MD

All posts by Allan Brett, MD

September 9th, 2011

Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis: Medical Management or Revascularization?

Every so often, one of my patients with no history of stroke or transient ischemic attack asks my opinion on what to do about a carotid ultrasound — not ordered by me — showing high-grade stenosis. I am a general internist, and I don’t obtain these studies in patients without a history of cerebrovascular symptoms. Guidelines […]

May 3rd, 2010

(Mis)Information on Fenofibrate in the Clinic

Several days ago, I — a general internist — saw a 70 year old diabetic woman with coronary disease who was stented 3 years ago and has been asymptomatic since then. During our office visit, I noted that a nurse practitioner who does lipid management in her cardiologist’s practice had added fenofibrate to her statin just a week […]