April Edwards, MD

April Edwards, MD

April is the combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Chief Resident at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Don’t be fooled though — she cheers exclusively for Duke in all sporting events, particularly basketball. Loudly. But she has found UNC to be a great place to work, learn, and grow for the past 8 years. April is outgoing (occasionally overly chatty, by her own admission) and tries to laugh to the point of tearing up at least once a day. She collects coozies (the little jackets you put on soda cans) and keeps one in her white coat and one in her purse, because she never knows when she’ll have a cold beverage emergency. Her idea of a good time is grilling veggies on her deck while playing cornhole with friends and watching her dog, Stephen T. Colbert (aka Colby) chase after bean bags. She turned 30 in 2016 — the only reason she didn't have a meltdown is because her mom somehow conjured birthday tickets to Hamilton, the musical. (April’s review of Hamilton: It was even better than I'd hoped; I'm not great at singing or dancing, and especially not at the two together, so I probably wouldn't make it in a musical career.) Instead, she plans to pursue Pediatric Critical Care after her chief year. She loves the complex physiology of critical care, but she loves her patients even more. Their resiliency reminds her, on a daily basis, that anything is possible.

All posts by April Edwards, MD

June 27th, 2017

Four-Oh-Wonk. The Reboot.

At the beginning of the year, I wrote about the rude awakening I was experiencing with regard to my own finances. I heard from more than a few other imminent or recent resident graduates who expressed some degree of similar feelings of being inadequately prepared in the financial realm. At the risk of being incredibly rudimentary, I […]

February 24th, 2017

Z71.1: Worried Well

I took my dog to the vet today. You’d think this would be a straightforward sort of thing for a medical professional. You’d be wrong. When I woke my dog up at 5:15am (my new daily start time, as it’s apparently the only way I can find time to do board questions, and is also the […]

November 4th, 2016

From the Prescription Pad to Reality

A harsh reality I am coming to terms with, as a newly minted “pre-tending,” is that we don’t know the cost of the care we provide. There are recommendations for things like High Value Care, from organizations like the ACP. But how much do things actually cost? Certain apps and websites, like the Healthcare Bluebook, give […]

September 5th, 2016

Men, Women, or Both?

Last month, as I was adjusting to my new role as a newly minted attending (affectionately referred to by many as a “pre-tending”), I had the opportunity to precept some of our strong upper levels in our ambulatory clinic. Luckily for me, they were doing a great job, which helped the whole thing feel less scary […]

August 1st, 2016


I’m April, and I’m the incoming PGY-5 Chief for the Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Just last month, I had my 4th graduation from something since I finished high school. Residency, it turns out, is long and hard. I’ve spent tons of hours practicing the art of sphincter control each time that […]

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