March 29th, 2014
Negative Findings on Renal Denervation for Hypertension: Sweet SYMPLICITY?
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
Deepak L. Bhatt, co-principal investigator of the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial, discusses the trial’s findings and their implications for clinical practice.
March 11th, 2013
The Affordable Care Act: The Carrots Are Becoming Sticks
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
Before our eyes, the Affordable Care Act is attempting to change the traditional incentive structure of the American health care system.
March 11th, 2013
Devices vs. Drugs: A Distinction Without a Difference? Blogging from ACC.13
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
How are devices regulated? Due to some quirks, the tail now wags the dog.
March 10th, 2013
You Are My Sunshine: Blogging from ACC.13
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
June 29th, 2012
A Watershed Court Case? The Affordable Care Act and the Role of the U.S. Government in Healthcare
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
Sandeep Mangalmurti, a cardiology fellow with a law degree and a strong interest in health policy, offers his analysis on some of the hidden implications of the court’s decision.
March 26th, 2012
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss — The Affordable Care Act and Medical Liability
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
After attending an ACC session on the new health reform law, Sandeep Mangalmurti discusses the continued legal vulnerability of physicians.
March 25th, 2012
The Pie-ing Game: How Do We Carve up Shrinking Reimbursements?
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
The ABCs of RVUs, and how they affect your practice
April 5th, 2011
Malpractice Lawsuits and Cardiology: Searching for a Safe Harbor
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
Several Cardiology Fellows who are attending ACC.11 this week are blogging together on CardioExchange. The Fellows include Sandeep Mangalmurti, Hansie Mathelier, John Ryan (moderating and providing an outsider’s view from Chicago), Amit Shah, and Justin Vader. See the previous post in this series, and check back often to learn about the biggest buzz in New Orleans. […]
April 3rd, 2011
The Cardiology Profession: At the Table or on the Menu?
Sandeep Mangalmurti, MD, JD
Several Cardiology Fellows who are attending ACC.11 this week are blogging together on CardioExchange. The Fellows include Sandeep Mangalmurti, Hansie Mathelier, John Ryan (moderating and providing an outsider’s view from Chicago), Amit Shah, and Justin Vader. See the previous post in this series, and check back often to learn about the biggest buzz in New Orleans. […]