July 10th, 2014
Should Doctors Be Paid Overtime for Taking Call?
David Mann, MD
Taking call is the worst thing about being a doctor. There. I said it. But wait! What about medical malpractice lawsuits? What about dealing with patients’ suffering or dying either from their illness, or far worse, relating to decisions you made or procedures you performed? Certainly these are far worse events than being on call?
Granted. However, these awful events are part of the battle that we signed up for when we made the decision to become doctors. The soldier goes into battle with the attitude that he or she will do everything possible to avoid getting shot or killed, while at the same time realizing these are distinct possibilities. So too doctors leap into the fray with a positive attitude, while similarly realizing that, inevitably, there will one day occur a bad outcome with its attendant soul-crushing consequences. These bad outcome events, similar to earthquakes, occur randomly (stochastically is the term the geologists use). If you live in California you usually don’t spend every waking minute of your day worrying about “the Big One.” So too doctors don’t spend all their time worrying about bad outcomes.
I did however spend an inordinate amount of my time worrying about being on call when I was a practicing cardiologist working for a hospital-owned healthcare system. My life was divided into two phases. Phase one occurred between call nights and was spent worrying about the next call night that was coming up. Phase two occurred when actually on call, and was worse than phase one. The only saving grace of being in phase two was that phase one was coming up soon, which was a relief. In fact, the day after call (especially after a weekend on call) I always had a sense of relative euphoria because call was over, at least until the next time.
What made call miserable? There were many elements. There were the routine calls to reconcile medication orders for newly admitted patients. Mind-numbing but easy. There were calls for clarification of orders that were already perfectly clear. There were the dreaded calls to the Emergency Room, almost always implying a new admission. There were pages for new consults, sometimes with the words “see today” appended, even though it was the middle of the night, and after talking with the nurse I still hadn’t a clue why the consult was deemed urgent. There were the routine admissions for chest pain in the middle of the night for which I would give garbled, sleepy orders, which a helpful nurse would translate into reality, at least until it was required that we enter these orders into our EPIC EHR (electronic horrible record) system directly, removing that last human barrier between sleep-deprived confusion and the patient. Finally there always seemed to be at least one “problem” patient, who was doing worse and worse despite multiple phone orders, resulting in an inevitable visit to the hospital at 3 in the morning.
My practice provided coverage to all the hospitals in Louisville, split between 2 and then 3 doctors on call (the coverage scheme kept evolving as our healthcare group absorbed more and more practices into its fold). Also covering were the cardiac interventionalists, whose on-call night had fewer phone calls, but unfortunately each call proved significant in that it usually led to a rapid trip to the hospital to perform a coronary intervention on a deathly ill patient suffering an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). My call nights in contrast were characterized by many phone calls (anywhere from 20 to 40 per night) punctuated by occasional trips into the hospital. Although I tried to sleep when I could, I was only intermittently successful, and the sleep achieved was a mixture of sleep phases never intended by nature.
As time went on call got worse. With more practices absorbed, more doctors were added to the call pool, but the number of patients covered also increased. The net result was that the call frequency (about one weeknight a week, and one weekend every 3 or 4 weeks) never really decreased, though the amount of calls that needed to be handled did. So with time the dread of being on call only worsened.
Perhaps it is not widely known that doctors are not paid to be on call. This stems from the masochistic, self-flagellant nature of medicine that is our tradition. In fact if one looks across the generations of physicians, the older generation always looks down on the younger generation of doctors, feeling they have it too easy, saying things like, “if you think you have it bad, when I was training I was on call every other night,” and so forth. In fact just looking at my generation, I recall that at Methodist Hospital in Houston, where I was a cardiology fellow in the early 1980s, the surgical resident in the post-cardiac surgical ICD (this was during the heyday of Michael DeBakey) was on call for 2 months straight! He never left the unit for 2 months. They sent a barber in to cut his hair. I remember seeing him shuffling around the unit from time to time at all hours, looking like a zombie. But I’m sure his elders thought he had it easy (“in my day, we were on call for 6 months straight”). Nowadays house staff associations have brought about reforms, so that actually on call for today’s house staff is easier — uh oh, there I go, proving my point.
Anyway, doctors don’t get paid overtime, or any additional time for being on call. Oh sure doctors make good salaries, and it’s always said that somehow being on call is factored into their salaries. Right. Try that with nurses, cath lab technicians, even your local plumber and see how far it gets you. But doctors do tend to just suck it up and take call, because they have a duty to their patients and there does not seem to be any other system to cover a medical practice 24/7.
But I did hate being on call more than anything, and I am happy to be free of that responsibility. My only advice to my still-working colleagues is that, when the hospital systems that own you start cutting your pay, point out to them all the back hours of overtime they still owe you.
When I read this part “when the hospital systems that OWN you……” I felt a chill through my body. How did we get to this point?
Yes, why not our accountability doesn’t end when we are on call.
I work in a European Health System, which varies from country to country, but by and large physicians do get paid extra for being on call. That said, I agree with you whole-heartedly. No money in the world can compensate the burden of being on call. Yada yada it’s important, educational and definitely part of being a physician, since health problems don’t follow the clock.
My career has consisted of tens of thousands of days and nights on call. I have missed children’s birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, reunions and so many things I can’t remember, and choose not to remember, because regret and guilt are not good places to go. I guess I saved some lives on the way, and did my duty at a high personal cost.
A Finnish colleague said the wise words. “Being on call is a small death”.
Dear David,
Firstly, congratulations on being free! Secondly, kudos for getting such a courageous post published! You captured what many of us think but rarely discuss openly. The truth is that the current medical system of resident education was set in place decades ago by much older generation of physicians who espoused abusive attitudes toward each other, trainees, and nurses. However, these doctors have not experienced the complexity and the intensity of practicing medicine, especially cardiology in the 21st century. And, interestingly enough, as ACGME forcefully modified this archaic set up for residents and fellows, it let attending physicians, faculty or voluntary, to fall by the wayside. The training programs, despite the requirement to show key faculty members as engaged in teaching, etc, are not required to uphold a limit on attending physician hours. That opens an opportunity for substantial abuse, and guess what? If physician does not acquiesce, they can be terminated or forced to leave. The whole situation is abhorrent, and continues to be perpetuated as the leadership of many centers is neither accountable nor accounted for. It’s clearly a time for a change!
one night a week? One weekend every month?
OY Vey
Call is a beast. I retired a year ago after 39 years of Internal Medicine practice where my call responsibilities varied from every other to every fourth night. For the first twenty years or so I tolerated it pretty well, being young and energetic and all, but as I got older I would find myself wondering, as I tried to clear the fog from my brain at 2am while driving to the hospital “Is this going to be the one where I kill someone because I’m so chronically sleep deprived that I can’t think straight and, if not, how am I going to get through my full clinic schedule in the morning on 3 or 4 hours of sleep?” Getting paid to take call makes sense if it allows you to have a much reduced schedule the day after call so you can catch up on sleep but then who sees the patients, answers the phone, looks at the lab work, etc., etc.
When I started in practice in the early 1970s in a small town, the docs who’d been there for years used to sneer at us for wanting to have call coverage–they were on call 24/7 year round. Of course when they were called at night for a patient with a heart attack they called in morphine and oxygen and if the patient lived through the night they saw them next morning. They worked insane hours for sure, but what they could do for an individual patient was extremely limited compared to what is expected of us now. One sick patient now can easily keep us working the entire night. The greatest benefit of the hospitalist movement has probably been to take the night call burden off the shoulders of many docs who have fulltime clinic practices, although I have no personal experience of this.
In private practice setting the issue can be determined democratically. Under contractual circumstances it should be negotiated fairly taking into consideration the added hours, lack of sleep, added stress, and loss of personal and family life so well discdiscussed in this comment section. As a cardiologist who took call for more than 35 years there isn’t enough money to pay me for those precious events I missed because of call. Knowing it went with the territory and accepting the responsibility didn’t make it any easier.