November 16th, 2014
Ryan’s Rules for #AHA14
John Ryan, MD
John Ryan provides some helpful hints for managing your experience at the AHA 2014 cardiology conference. For more cardiology-related tips and tricks, you can follow him @drjohnjryan. For more of our AHA.14 coverage of late-breaking clinical trials, interviews with the authors of the most important research, and member perspectives on the most interesting presentations at the meeting, check out our AHA.14 Headquarters.
- Always have your talk on a jump drive.
- Always have a phone charger—if you leave it in the hotel room, you’ll regret it!
- Dress casually—no, scratch that! Wear a suit! Definitely wear a suit, unless you’re prepared to stand out!
- Early career folks should go to the early career sessions & reception.
- Go to the Opening Session and Presidential Address—it is always pretty inspiring.
- Go to your friends’ talks—they appreciate the support.
- Go to the poster sessions—that is where the magic is.
- Don’t go to your Chief’s talk- you hear them speak enough at home #no_disrepect #new_frontiers.
- Go into a random room that you know nothing about—you will learn the most there.
- Say hello to people you used to work with. It’s always worthwhile.
- If you see your cardiovascular hero standing by themselves, introduce yourself.
- Review your slides in the Speaker Ready Room before you talk.
- Tell those back at work & at home what you learned and saw at AHA.
- There’s more to Chicago than #AHA14. Go check it out.
- Exercise for 30 minutes every day while at AHA—it is an AHA recommendation after all.
- Go to your councils dinner—if you don’t have a ticket, just ask the council chair to pay #networking_is_why
- Find the room where you are giving your talk an hour before you are to give the talk—you don’t want to be struggling to find S401bcd 5 minutes before your talk.
- Take off your lanyard/nametag when you go out in the evening.
- Don’t lose your lanyard/nametag when you go out in the evening.
- “Have fun, enjoy yourself—it’s a great time”. I stole that from Tom Ryan, AHA prez 84-86. #no_relation #greatest_AHA_president