January 21st, 2011

Heart Rhythm Society Advising DOJ in Investigation of ICD Implants

The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) has informed its members that it is “aware of an ongoing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) civil investigation of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) implants” and that it has “agreed to assist in an advisory role to lend expertise concerning proper guidelines for clinical decision making.”

HRS explained that its role involved “reviewing information that does not include either identifiable patient or facility level data. Rather, we are providing insight on the field of electrophysiology to the DOJ.”

At this point it appears there will not be more information from HRS: “Because this is an ongoing investigation, HRS Staff or Leadership is not available for further comment. HRS will communicate additional information to its membership when permitted to do so by the DOJ.”

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